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Anything new with electric/solar gate openers?

Anything new with electric or solar gates? We’re looking to buy 2; one to go into a pasture from the yard and the other one would be going into the back of the house where we store all our equipment - tractor, skid steer, trailer, etc.
We don’t have electricity running to either gate, so would need solar gates. Any companies you like or which ones do you stay away from? I heard the Tractor Supply Mighty Mule wasn’t the best. Is there anything else I need to consider? The backyard gate would need to have mesh or something added so our dogs can’t escape. Of course, that probably won’t stop the armadillos coming in!

I have two Mighty Mule. One solar, one electric. Other than sagging (b/c the gates are bigggg), which stops it working properly, we’re happy with them. One is 2.5 years old, one is .5.


Not new as this has been available for at least fifteen years, the LiftMaster LA 500 actuator is sold in complete system packages with everything needed.

Extensive Dealer network across the country if service is needed,

Solar systems installed on a primary residence still qualify for the 30% Falderal Tax Credit (does not include the cost of the gate but does include labor and incidentals for installing the gate operator system)

The LA500 actuator itself is pretty much bullet proof, it is a proven design that has not been tampered with to make some sort of improvement

The system can be set up to operator from your cell phone.

Addition of a wireless keypad (WKP series) provides the ability to enter temporary codes if needed (but if you have the MyQ cell service set up any one at the gate can call your cell and you ca open the gate from anywhere) also the keypad can be used to hold the gate open if desired

The LA500DC Single Solar Kit Complete the latest part number is LA500XL20W-MC

The LA412 is a smaller system similar to a GTO or Ghost in size.


I have been on my property for 5-1/2 years and have a very long driveway. I had a custom solar gate designed and installed when I moved in. The gate opener/driver is Advantage DKE. I have already had it completely rebuilt once. The solar panel part has been great so I installed a solar panel on my horse trailer too so I can run fans in the trailer whenever.


I also have a biggggg gate operated with a Mighty Mule that sags and drags. I keep digging the trail of the gate deeper, but I need a better fix now. Any suggestions are much appreciated!

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Would adding a gate wheel be helpful?


looking closely at the photo, the bottom hinge pin could be extended to raise the leading edge of the gate panel


I think bigger corner posts that can better hold that weight up would help?

We have a sliding gate that opens with a pad or your phone app that has been working great.

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Thank you @clanter for sharing your expertise on these threads. It is hugely helpful and much appreciated. Only the old timers may know the depth and breadth of the knowledge you freely share here about these systems.

I have a question for residential-type, swinging automatic gates: can a fast, bendy dog push enough on the gate panel to slip through?

The automatic gates I’ve seen don’t latch closed. They hang in the closed position. For sure a bendy Border Collie just zip through. Those who have them: do they latch or are otherwise not wiggle-able in the closed position?

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yes but an angle iron stiffener could added to the gate panel to reduce its flexing (either side of the panel would work if you are concerned about adding a “step” for the dog on the inside). On prison and crash resistant gates we often added C Channels to reduce the chance of flexing when impacted

Also with proper safeties a swing gate panel could be brought to a post on the latch side, might be more of problem with newer operators that are designed to sense entrapments

Also by mounting a swing gate operator’s attachment to the panel in the center of the panel helps. Often people will install the operator in a manor to hide it from the public attaching the unit very low or very high on the gate panel.

IF there is to be any signage on a swing gate that needs to placed nearest to the hinge point to reduce the mechanical advantage of wind loading on the sign

A FAST dog could outrun a gate system’s speed, a normal swing gate operator will take about 15 seconds to open/close a gate 90 degrees. (some like GTO’s/ require almost 25 seconds)

The issue with swing gates is Tip Speed, the longer the panel the faster the tip speed since the operator will operate a 8 ft gate at the same speed as 20ft. Most residential swing gates operators are limited to maximum length of 20 feet primarily because of inertia


Hi Bluey, Who’s the mfr of your gate? I’m just collecting names right now until barn is built. TIA

They make auto locks for the auto gate openers from Ghost. Not sure of other manufacturers. Surely that would stiffen it enough where bendy dog can’t make it through.

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Our gate opener has an automatic lock, which locks and unlocks with the remote or keypad. For instance, press the remote, lock unlocks, gate swings open. Press remote, gate swings close and the lock latches. The gate can’t be pushed open, by an animal, person, or the wind.

I expect that other brands offer a similar optional accessory.


Is a Pal Gate:

A local company put it in, they have been installing automatic ranch gates for 20+ years and use different types, each according to what each situation requires and that is what they told us would work best for us.

Ours 16’ gate slides into a Y type holder, so wind or anything hitting it won’t open it.
Can be opened from anywhere in the world with their app on your phone.


Thanks everyone.I added a couple more photos.

LCDR- I’m not sure a wheel would work since it would be rolling on gravel. The jerkiness might make the gate reverse direction. A wheel would be easiest.

Clanter - should I get a longer bolt, which would push out that bottom part and make the upper end go up?

Bluey - I wish I had put in bigger corner posts. This setup has worked for several years, but it now sagging. Replacing those posts is more than I can manage right now.

Could the top pin be screwed in more without causing interference with the post?

If I were to replace the hinge pins I would use (or make one) that goes completely though the wooden post that could be adjusted easier.

And Yes using a Wheel on the leading edge can and will cause issues as when it hits a rock in its path the gate operator will see that as an obstruction, causing it to reverse direction then stop (or at least should have under the Federal safety guidelines for a residential installation)


Can you put a diagonal cable across the gate, high point at hinge, low point where it drags, with a turn buckle in it?

If that doesn’t help enough, attach the high point of the cable to the post itself?


yes, that would work fine, also if desired two turnbuckles could be used on the same cable to give you additional adjustment

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Moving the upper bolt by tightening and loosening the nuts worked! :woman_mechanic:

A neighbor suggested a guy wire. But since the bolts go all the way through the post and I have a socket I can use to turn the nut located farthest from the gate, I’m going to try that. GFirst I need to loosen the nut located closest to the gate. Thanks.

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