APF - Anyone taking this? Am I crazy?

Long story short, diagnosed with fibromyalgia 11 yrs ago, have figured out how to live with this without heavy meds (I was addicted to painkillers after 5 years of treatment, now deal with it via Reiki, acupuncture, massage therapy, and Rhodiola rosea for the fog). Had back surgery in August (double fusion, L4/L5 and L5/S1), recovering well (I guess, although having the scar tissue broken up hurts quite a bit!). Now, for some reason my body is really overreacting to stress. Took my daughter to HITS this weekend, spent about 7 hours each day on my feet (braided pony each day, walked from back end of grounds to rings several times, stood with pony at ring, worried about ticking off the trainer - generally the groom!)…WAY too much for me. When I woke up this morning I was completely swelled up…clothes didn’t fit, felt like a walking pincushion with skin too tight. I had a similar problem after my back surgery when I had very abnormal swelling up my back and down my buttocks and legs, as if my body was flooding the damaged area with fluid.

I saw my Reiki practitioner today and she said it’s as if I’m allergic to stress, that my body cannot deal with it and overreacts, almost in panic mode. I just purchased APF Pro to support a 6 yr old warmblood that we’re treating for Lyme disease, and had a lightbulb moment when I realized that it sounds like what I need, something to boost the immune system and help the body deal with stress. Was looking at the two formulas (canine and equine) and then my sensible daughter pointed out that I’m not a dog or a horse…

Anyone have any experience/insights? I KNOW I’ve heard of people using this, but haven’t found a human formula anywhere. Thoughts? I refuse to go to a conventional doctor about this (been there, done that, had the addiction), will ask my chinese physician about options there (already taking one of the ingredients in APF, the Rhodiola rosea), but this seems like such an ideal product?

I was hoping you had some responses from users. This website says its safe for humans and animals: http://www.1derful.com/Shops/APF/

So bumping this up for other comments.

I was hoping you had some responses from users. This website says its safe for humans and animals: http://www.1derful.com/Shops/APF/

So bumping this up for other comments.[/QUOTE]

That’s the vendor’s website. Who cares what they say.
And of course they will say their product is safe.
Good luck with finding real testing results.

Humm I don’t know.

Dr. Mike Van Noy, the man who developed this used to be my vet (a very good one! Cared for many sport horses in the Woodside Ca area). Back in the early and mid 1990s he was really pushing a supplement called “Prime One”. It was touted as used by some foreign Olympic team (I want to say the soviets?!?) and a CURE ALL for all kinds of ailments. A close family friend became a vendor for the supplement, and my trainer (well known eventing trainer) took it herself, and fed it to many of her horses.

Honestly, I never saw any results from “prime one”. The evidence of effectiveness the company provided were all anecdotal, there were never any real studies to prove that it was safe. Needless to say my mother, a pharmacist, and friend of Dr. Van Noy was a skeptic. Her concern was more for people with allergies, these supplements contain extracts from many different, and sometimes rare plants, and being as supplement, not a drug, have not been tested for reactions.

I don’t know what ever happened to Prime One. I think I heard it was pulled from the market for some reason. All I know is that those I knew that used it, no longer are. I didn’t hear anything about negative effects from no longer taking Prime One.

ADP is the new supplement Dr. Van Noy is selling. Just like Prime One it is based on “adaptogens” extracted from plants. They are supposed to help the body adapt to stress…

I haven’t seen any medical or scientific studies that indicate ADP or Prime One do anything measurable… but the studies might be out there.

I tried it-was trying it on a horse with a respiratory virus-it is gawd-awful-gag-me-tasting–but it did seem to alleviate some stress. I have a tendency to get hives if my stress load gets out of hand–so I sympathize completely.

You may want to look into IP6 gold, it’s a supplement designed for immune support as well as other cool “stuff”

APF works awesome on horses and I have taken it once or twice when I was sick. The taste is so horrific that I can’t imagine taking it on a regular basis!