APHA Horse Lookup

Here is his breeding. If anyone knows those sirelines I’d love to learn more. He has a full brother out there who doesn’t seem to have competed with the APHA either. No idea otherwise.

But, through this, and thanks much to @Arelle - PSSM seems a possibility for his roaring and the fact that it seems to be starting to resolve. I just switched him about a month ago to a full forage-only (with vitamins) diet and when I got him he was on a full scoop of grain 2x/day.

So now I need to do some genetic testing to be sure, but since I’m already halfway there I might as well go full bore into the protocol.

Here is his sire on All Breed Pedigree, any horses with a red asterisk have a picture attached.

Tres Charmed Paint (allbreedpedigree.com)


Jeesh, no wonder he looks so good in that 3/4 front picture…is he HYPP N/N or has he not been tested? If not, would run one just to be safe even though its aways back and usually appears at a much younger age.

Not familiar with his sire line but the names hint at King bred.

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I’m not sure. I’m going to call the barn I got him from and see if they’ll do the transfer so that at least I know more about what I am working with. He hasn’t exhibited any signs of HYPP, but never say never.

I’m looking for his sire and dam status but that’ll take a minute.

I have another heavily impressive-bred that is N/N but has terrible feet (tiny tiny feet) and his are big so I just wouldn’t have guessed that on his damline.

He is nice. Getting him back into work will be fun!

He looks like a really handsome horse. This should be a fun project for you!

Back a ways in the sire line is Jetalito. I remember him from my (much) younger days. Jetalito was a beautiful horse and a very prolific, successful sire. Other than him, I don’t know any of the others, except that they seem to be names associated with old timey Paint foundation lines (ex: Sonny Dee Bar) and working, stock-type lines.

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Thank you!

Halter and stock lines made a very pretty horse, with some large feet! :slight_smile:

He’s so much fun already. We’ve had a lot of rain and ice and today we went and played in the puddles. He was perfect (and sensible about it). Gotta admit, as I get older I’m loving the sensibility of these guys.

Are you calling Sonny Dee Bar as working , stock types? Or am I mis-reading your post?

I thought she meant as paint foundation

Yes, you’re misreading. .Sorry. .Sonny Dee Bar was a foundation type horse for the Paint breed.

Yeah, she said SDB AND working/ stock lines. Although SDB did produce some good working horses as well as Halter types.

And lots of WP and hunter types.

This guy looks WP/Halter to me. He’s a little too beefy for the HUS but without posty hinds I wouldn’t peg him as straight up halter.

I’ve been building him up to short bursts of canter on the longe. Interestingly, I saddled him with the western saddle before I did so yesterday and he put his head down and did the weirdest proppy canter I’ve ever seen. I don’t think he was trying to WP lope but when I tried to push him forward he got very upset about the whole thing. It kind of looked like a wp lope but bouncy and almost a little bucky. Maybe that was his version of a true bronc and if so, I think he is definitely not athletic in that manner because anyone could have sat that. I’m much more used to athletics with the hind feet or true, 4’ off the ground kind of broncs if one is upset.

He was up when I took him out there, so maybe it was his version of a bronc, but he did like 5 laps of lope/canter in that posture which is a little unusual. The barn that had him rode his in an elevator gag and now I think I know why.

I finally got a nicer transition out of him and we quit, but it was definitely different. He does not canter like that naked or with a hunter saddle on. No back cinch on this saddle and it’s pretty light so I have no idea. It was tightened just enough to not slide around and it does have a breastcollar. Seemed to fit him well, definitely nothing touching him weirdly (I used it just after that on another horse with no antics).

Needless to say we’ll be checking out a few more basics before I get on. I feel like he might have a few holes or weirdness, which I’d like to eliminate before I swing a leg over.

Not Breed Halter, depending the the quality of the Senior geldings around you. But, IMO, a dandy Showmanship prospect in a sea of flashy chestnuts. The matchy matchy accesories and sho clothes are breathtaking….powder blue

Have you had many aged AQHA/ APHA horses? They don’t act like no young WB or OTTB for sure. And, by what you describe, he’s got WP in his background, thats how they react to forward at first. He doesn’t know, you need to slowly teach him with no bungees, gimmicks or other “ helpers”. Take your time and enjoy how easy they can be.

That little bouncing he was doing might be a teenaged QH version of a buck :sunglasses:

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I’ve had a couple, but they leaned HUS type and one that I have now has a pretty massive buck. I wasn’t really initially asking him for forward, I just wanted a canter, and that’s when the proncing started, but it was the slowest proncing weirdness I’ve ever seen. I asked for forward to see if he’d get out of it but that wasn’t super effective. He may just be a little pissed that he has been on vacation and now I’m asking him to do something else.

We’ll see what happens next time. It’s raining today and I don’t have an indoor, so tomorrow is our first opportunity.

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Remember its seat and very subtle body weight shifts with bit of very soft voice for them. Keep your legs off or they often will ball up and bounce a little objecting to the overuse of aids.

Not suggesting they cannot or will not buck, they sure can. But IME they very rarely care to waste the energy once they get some age and miles on them. And they tell you whats coming.

How is he loping on the lunge?

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That’s what we were doing, just on the longe. Unsaddled on the longe he’s got a big strided lope. He only did that when I saddled him. Seemed to be a reaction to the western saddle.

Maybe. Try him with no saddle and see. Might be something about the saddle that bugs him. Might be he’s being a brat about working. Might be he’s fresh and out of shape.

Keep good mental notes about what happens when. Give it a few weeks to see if it works out with just returning to regular work (gimmick free).

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I’ve never been one for gimmicks, so no need to worry about that. I’ve got a number of western saddles (I’m a bit of a saddle hoarder) so I can try any of them. My small suspicion is that he might just never have had a western saddle on his back with all the strings and such…or he did and something about it set him off.

He has done WTC under saddle in a hunt seat saddle and a dressage saddle, neither of which he objected to.

It’s the western saddle that switches on the strange lope and pronc behavior (so far). I’m sure the western feels different. Or it could just be his version of freshness which just looks very odd to my eyes. It didn’t even quite look like a colt when it gets started and proncs. It almost looked like a wp lope if you put springs in his feet (if I can describe it). A few steps of that and I’d have just called it a buck, but 5 laps around?

Either way, I think he needs to get used to the saddle. If it is just a case of he is green to it, he can and should learn. No one was in the saddle and it fit fine, so I can’t imagine what would have irritated him other than the newness of feeling. But I’ll validate that.

My other senior (19) pleasure bred (did mainly hus but then local wp) has an itty bitty lope that he will bring out, but he bucks big so it doesn’t quite look the same. Very similar damlines interestingly enough but different sirelines.

Just a little update, it was definitely bucking - just the funniest bucking I’ve ever seen. He is back to normal, but my show saddle looks tiny on him!! I have the stirrups jacked up, but it looks like a kids saddle. I’m 5’9”, and not tiny skinny and I fit in it so it is definitely not :laughing: I tried this one because the other tree is a bit wider. I’m not sure what will work best for him, so I’m going to experiment. He has well sprung ribs but a lot of wither atrophy. May have been wearing ill fitting saddles for awhile.



OMG! He’s huge! And lovely.

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