Arapahoe Park (CO)?

Hey, All!

I just recently moved to the Denver area and was curious about (apparently) the only racing park in the state now- Arapahoe park.

Last time I saw someone post about it it was strictly a summer track—but with the nice weather hopefully not that far off, I was wondering if anyone knew if it was still up abs running? I’d love to connect with any folks who may be looking for groom/hot walking or exercise rider help. I’m an eventer by trade but would love to mix it up, and I figured maybe it would be easier to get my foot in the racing door at a smaller track if it’s still open.

Any info is much appreciated. Thanks!

There was concern they wouldn’t be running this year, but I just saw them announce they were approved for a short meet.

It’s a low end track but the people are great. This woman lists horses there and seems to work on the backside, she might be a contact for you:

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Don’t stop at race tracks, check also with training farms, a good place to learn and get a start.

Thank you all for the great info, I really appreciate it! I did a Google search for race training barns in the area but didn’t come up with much (of course I realize racing isn’t huge here). Is that the best way to go about it?

You could ask vets and farriers, they will know who the reputable farms are and who to recommend as a good trainer to ask.
I expect the vet department at the University would also know who those are?
We used to get some inquires from students in our local college, some referred to by our vets.

There really aren’t race training barns there. The season is too short and the track is too small.

The trainers work off their own properties in the off season, some quite a ways away from the track, or ship to other tracks to run there.

This industry is SMALL in Colorado, and nearly gone. There’s not much there.

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