My feelings are pretty much like Rescuemom’s on this one. I’ve hardly watched the Winter Olympics, except for some of the figure-skating. Perhaps they ought to crack down on the amateur/professional thing and return the Olympics to Baron Coubertin’s ideal - and let the World Championships in each event be the free-for-all, everyone’s invited, pros and amateurs, event. Fat chance!
In the Equestrian events in particular, I think the World Championships already ARE the more important event. Perhaps they haven’t reached QUITE the cachet of an Olympic medal, but still the WEG are a fairly big deal, on a par with the Olympics, but even including endurance and combined driving. (Yes, I know, endurance is being added to the Olympics, at least as a “demonstration sport.”)
In eventing, in particular, it used to be that the courses for World Championships (WEG) were more difficult than the Olympics, because in the Olympic competition, there was a desire to make it possible for even “lesser” competitors make it around. (Way too embarassing/humiliating if the fellow from Outer Monglia gets eliminated at the 3rd fence, e.g.) Now I believe that is no longer true, because the requirements for even competing have tightened up (much to the good) to prevent those who are out of their depth competing and being hurt.
(Anecdote: At the 19984 L.A. Olympics, I remember sitting at a complex of obstacles, and hearing the loudspeakers tracking one unfortunate competitor (Mexico, I think): He’s over fence once, he’s stopped at fence two, he’s over fence two, he’s stopped at fence three… and so on. Actually, he FINISHED the course, with something like 288+ penalties, never stopping twice at any one fence. I don’t think that could happen now, even at the Olympics.)