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Are you a Morgenmuffle or an early bird?

Ridiculously delighted to find there is an actual word that sums me up.

The only option is to add coffee and hope it works!


Been told even as an infant I was bright and bushy tailed before anyone woke up, ready for adventure, while others were needing toothpicks to keep their eyes open in the mornings.

I also live on 5-6 hours sleep, as 5% of humans do and do fine.

An exception to early/later risers and early/later going to bed that 5%.
We just get more out of 24 hours than most, annoying the rest of the world on both ends. :innocent:


I have always been a morning person.

It is a good thing because now I can’t stay up past 9pm these days :cry:

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Definitely a Morgenmuffle! I’ve always had a night owl biorhythm. As I’m getting older I find it slightly easier to get up earlier when I need to, but I can certainly still stay up until 2 AM or sleep in until Noon.


Early bird :bird:! Whether I try or not since childhood.

Morgenmuffle here.

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An early-bird here: Up at 05:30 nearly always, makin’ coffee. 10PM is getting late :-P.

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Same. its hard being a night-owl in an early-bird world. Small comfort that its genetic (my dad never went to bed before midnight) and really nothing I can do to change it.

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That is a spitting image of me in the morning :rofl: I love this word. I am 100% a morgenmuffle.


I am a morgenmuffle if morning is before dawn.

When I’m not working, that is. When I’m working I’ve already been up 9-10 hours by the time morning arrives.

I’m an early bird. Up at 5am every day to take the dog for a walk or run. Never hit snooze on my alarm. SO was just saying last week that I’m the worst kind of morning person since I don’t need coffee :sweat_smile:
For the record, I do drink coffee at some point during the work day, I’ve just been up for several hours at that point. On the weekends I usually don’t have one since I’m notorious for setting it down and forgetting about it.

Morgenmuffle…I worked swing shift for years and years with a little weirdo shift of 4:30pm to 3am for about a year and a half in the middle of the previous years and years. Early rising is hard for me and now retired much prefer to wake up naturally vs a harsh alarm. I am usually in bed by 11pm to midnight and get up between 7-8am.


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Early bird. I am pulling into work at 5am, have been up since 3am. “Sleeping in” means 5am to me.

I have a list of safe activities to do that early, in order to not piss off the neighbors. Weeding, cleaning house (if the windows are closed), etc.

Early bird. I flag at night.

Early bird, always! Even when I was a wee child-- up and at 'em, done by late afternoon. I love my teaching schedule, as I see my last group out the door by 1:50…then I do planning.

Very much not an early bird. Now I work from home I do not get up in the dark, unless someone is paying me a lot of money or I’m going to a horse show.

This is so timely! I have always been a late person and slow to wake up in the morning. I used to sleep late but age has changed my habits so I’m usually up between 6:30 and 7:30, but not rarin’ to go. This morning is the perfect example and why I had to laugh when I saw this thread. I had a 10:00 appointment with the farrier. I slept well, woke up at 7:30 and dragged myself out of bed fifteen minutes later. I had to delay my coffee until 8:30 and I was just groggy and fuzzy, and dreading the effort to get myself out the door by 9:30. So I texted my farrier and asked if we could postpone until 11:00. I explained that I had no good excuse but was just slow this morning, and asked if it worked for her. Thank goodness, she said no problem, she could do her errands before our appointment rather than after.

Just after 10:00 I felt bright-eyed enough to vacuum the house, slurp a second cup of coffee, throw on my clothes and get out the door. Arrived 15 minutes early in plenty of time to catch my naughty mare who felt playful this morning, and now life is good.

My farrier laughingly said that I cost her money. When she went shopping, she bought a bunch of stuff she hadn’t planned on at the appliance store where she went this morning on her errand to buy a new sink.

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