Lets face it, there is no way to know the whole story about any problem posted here. But, does this lack of knowledge ever make you think twice about giving advice? People looking to support their own opinions can easily slant the story in a way to have people give them the advice they are seeking, not necesarraly the advice that might be best for the horse. I wonder how it makes trainers feel when they have suggested something that IS in the best interest of the horse and/or rider, and their client comes back with…“But everybody on the board said xyz”
It depends. If I don’t for sure know that something I suggest might help, I usually dont say it. I don’t consider myself an extremely knowledgeable horse person in any way.
At the same time, I have gotten some excellent advice off of this board, along with some downright frightening suggestions. I think it all depends on the person who is recieving it. I know my horse and my situation, and upon recieving advice I can tell you whether or not it has any chance of working.
A lot of it depends on where its coming from, but at the same time you have to be smart about it.
Now… did that make sense???
I assume that any advice I give will be taken with at least a pinch of salt. And I give my advice based on tghe description of the problem. If the description of the problem is wrong (or too vague), the advice isn’t going to be very useful.
That doesn’t stop me from offering it.
Don’t give advice if you don’t know what your talking about.
Parfois vous avez a juste lacher prise et mouche
The only time that I really give advice is if it is similar to a situation that I’ve been in. I also tend to not answer the questions about “barn situations,” like leaving trainers and such.
Personally, I only really use the BB for amusement, and don’t incorporate it any into my real life, except for meeting people
I’ve gotten some great advice off of this BB. The BB saves my poor, tortured trainer, Kennett Square (She Who Must Be Obeyed), from having to field ALL of my ridiculous questions. LOL.
When “offering advice”, I try to be as factual as possible. And qualify by my own experiences.
When “taking advice” I always use the general rule…“You get what you PAY for”.
I have learned a great deal here, but try to go wisely.
“The older I get, the better I used to be.”
Yep. That’s why my posts tend to be completely pointless. That way, at the worst, they’re just annoying.
Generally I only give advice on things I have experience with or have read extensively about - or ‘people problems’ opinion issues, etc. IE I’d reply to a post about arthritis b/c I have written papers on it and deal with that daily (thank you, Regal). Or I’ll give advice on a ‘what do I say’ thing. I generally avoid actual training issues unless it’s a ‘well I did this and this or tried this and this’ antecdote scenario.
Since I have yet to truly piss anyone off I assume its working?
Sarah * AKA “Regal’s Person”
I get paid to give advice. I never have any doubts it’s invaluable.
Which is why I usually don’t give advice per se, though I might offer a comment like “when I was in your situation, this is what worked for me…” There are plenty of more experienced horsemen and horsewomen on this BB than me, so I’d rather let them do most of the talking.
Now opinions? I’ve plenty of those!
No advise, but I agree with SReno and Laurie. I usually just give examples of things that have happened to me in similar situations. If I feel strongly enough, I’ll give my oppinion.
Don’t get stuck in the sludge if you’re that confident in your ride!
Lets face it, there is no way to know the whole story about any problem posted here. But, does this lack of knowledge ever make you think twice about giving advice? People looking to support their own opinions can easily slant the story in a way to have people give them the advice they are seeking, not necesarraly the advice that might be best for the horse. I wonder how it makes trainers feel when they have suggested something that IS in the best interest of the horse and/or rider, and their client comes back with…“But everybody on the board said xyz”
I love reading some of the informative threads. We have some amazing people on the BB, known for both their knowledge AND their wit! Not being known for either, I don’t usually post on said threads!
I truly believe I learn something new almost every day. I may not “need” it that day, but ya never know when that knowledge or experience will come in very handy!
Depending on the one who is giving the advise and the content, some people will take it. I try and weigh the advice on my “does that make sense” meter. And if it doesn’t or it sounds pretty slanted one way, I usually don’t take it. Then too, consider the source.
Most people don’t really want advice tho’ and if they express a problem, it’s usually to vent not to ask for help solving a problem.
A common thread seems to be…“If I were in this situation I did xyz” I do this too. I just wonder if the wrong advice (maybe even MY wrong advice) might interfere with the rider’s training some how.
Say a green girl on a green horse is being drug around the ring. She can’t get him to canter because he’s kinda lazy and just does a long trot and doesn’t listen (dragging the whole time). The trainer suggests a slow twist.
Said rider gets on the board and says “My horse is so slow and lazy that I can’t get him to canter, but my trainer wants to put him in a slow twist” Reactions most likely are going to be…“A slow horse doesn’t need a big bit, your trainer’s wrong” (Well maybe not that harsh, but you get the idea).
Does any one else ever worry about the situations?
Please note the situation I proposed above is not real, just made it up to give an example