Arena Drag on a budget.. what will actually work?

My riding ring is finally finished. It was a hassle, expensive, but I’m glad it’s done and I want to keep it nice.

I ended up having to pay more for… I don’t even know at this point, so my money I had budgeted for a drag has depleted.

I need to stay well under $500 at this point and I’m not willing to fiance anything (my credit needs a break!). The arena is a stone dust base with angular sand (average depth).

The guy that did the ring said he could make me one for $500 but at this point I sort of want to be done and would like to be cheaper anyway.


I have a couple of variations on a theme.

A small roll of leftover hogwire that I made secure into a ‘tube’ with some twists of stout coated copper wire (SO is a contractor so there’s wire available). I weight it with a chunk of RR tie laid inside the roll of wire. The wire lets the footing slide through and rips up any volunteer vegetation, the RR tie keeps it from bouncing and helps smooth the footing level. Sometimes I add a 10’ 4X6 for extra smoothing as a drag behind the roll. I am using a Kawasaki Mule in low gear.

I use a lawn dethatcher and it works GREAT!

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That is a nice price! My ring isn’t huge either (a bit longer and wider than a small dressage ring) so I don’t need anything massive.

That’s around the size of mine too.
You can control the depth of engagement, add weight or not. The footing in my ring is old and was very compacted after being unworked for a few years. This has brought back some depth and fluff. I’m always pleased with the result after I re-drag, and I’m particular about footing.

i use a chain harrow and love it. can add weight to it if need more dig. easy to store and get around. I got mine at the local tractor supply.

I’ve got the chain harrow from TSC, bought on sale with one of their 10% off coupons.

I also use a chain harrow.

Chain harrow here too. Flip it over and use it to break up the manure piles in your pastures. I’ve had mine about 20 years.

Watch Craigs List. A while back somebody in a neighboring state had a super duper arena drag for sale for about $600 that was just like the one I had just bought new from Premier for $2K. It fluffs the footing, rolls and levels it. It had a little rust but had more bells and whistles than mine does. I would have bought it in a heartbeat and saved myself a bunch of money if it had been for sale before I bought the other one. I have seen others on CL for sale.

Have you looked into the Handozer? It works great on my sand arena. It is adjustable, pulls easily with a riding lawnmower, and is priced below $500.

I recommend a chain harrow such as the ones available at TSC. I have one as well as a very nice (and pricey) Red Master Harrow and generally prefer the cheap and cheerful chain harrow. It does a good job and as others said, you can weight it (for example with a tire) if needed.

Another vote for the dethatcher. I add a cinder block or 2 to the top and it does a decent job.