Arena performance footing

I feel like this might be a stupid question, but our arena is being done this week and we are definitely wanting to do some sort of footing mixed in we’re currently looking at foam footing from performance footing - we are going to have to save up for the footing though we’re definitely planning on having it done by the summer, is it okay to wait that long? I know a lot of people don’t have performance footing in their arenas and it’s okay but is it better to try and get it sooner than later especially when jumping to help cushion and reduce the impact? Also I was thinking about the dust control and traction? I’ve always ridden my horses on some sort of footing mix usually the felt kind but I’m nervous jumping without it - will waiting a few months add a great deal more stress to my horses ligaments and joints?

What concerns you about jumping on just sand? My understand is that the footing with additives can actually over-stress the legs, since it doesn’t necessarily have enough slide to help absorb the impact.

Dust-wise, depending on your climate you can either keep it slightly damp with a sprinkler, or use magnesium chloride.


Jumping in natural footing will not be a huge issue for your horse. Just do not jump to much if the ground is rock hard. If you are waiting to put footing in, I would suggest not tamping the base layer down until you are prepared to put the footing in. Stonedust is popular in my area as a base layer and a lot of people will put a layer down but not tamp it into a solid layer until they are ready to put additional footing in.

Depending on where you are, dirt and sand can definitely get dusty. Stone dust can as well. It is worse in indoor arenas than in outdoor arenas as the dust just goes up and hangs around in indoors. It usually gets carried away from out door arenas.

I find watering down the arena or using magnesium chloride to be a huge chore so do not blame you for looking for dust free footing.

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Thank you for your responses! We’re going to put in a sprinkler system too to help with the dust and I’m just nervous that having straight sand without the additives of organics will get loose and drain moisture too fast or will compact too much like concrete - we’re definitely going to add to add foam footing to it but not for several months so I’m just worried in that time frame could it really make a difference in keeping my horses legs properly supported and cushioned especially when jumping or am I overthinking it?

The right kind of sand, properly maintained, will be totally adequate.


Since the beginning of time horses have been ridden on sand…you will be fine as long as it’s not too deep.


Those are the two biggest things; the right kind of sand and properly maintained.

I’ve ridden on natural surface arenas and they’re just fine if it’s the right sand/dirt and maintained. I think they’re better for the horse (if not too deep or too hard, as with any surface, really) and with a sprinkler system, that makes things even easier.


Okay, thanks! All the barns I’ve been at have always had some sort of additive and I know it’s silly, but I didn’t really think until now about the possibility of not using something mixed in - I’m just curious if everyone had the choice would they choose to just keep it straight sand or add something to their arena like foam or some sort of organic additive? I feel like I hear mixed thoughts on what is actually better for horses to ride and jump on

Personally, I would go stone dust, sand, or grass/dirt and just not jump if the ground is to bad.

Depends on budget!

I like stone dust because it doesn’t get as mucky as other surfaces and doesn’t get to hard. It can kick up dust but not as much as other surfaces

Sand is good but I find it dustier and even in an outdoor, annoying on some days. It gets muckier when wet and tends to run off more than stone dust.

Grass…who doesn’t like grass? It can get a bit rough in the middle of the summer when there isn’t much rain and the ground gets hard and if the grass is slick, that’s an issue but there is just something I find fun about jumping in grass.

Right now, I guess my surface is snow, though we haven’t jumped actual jumps in two weeks, my mare is satisfying herself with being more exuberant than necessary over the logs on trails.

I’ve only ever ridden on natural surfaces except at shows until I had a new arena built last year. I won’t lie, the horses go like a dream on the GGT, but my second arena will probably be just sand. Water and drag it regularly and make sure it’s not too deep, especially for jumping. Varied surfaces are the best way to keep your horse sound. If you’re going to add something to your sand, make sure you also regularly ride on other surfaces (grass, dirt, etc) whenever possible.