Armani- 22 year old Warmblood cross- ILLINOIS

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lon![]( post:

To start, he WAS NOT STOLEN. I’m trying to locate my horse that I sold 2 years ago that was just recently re-sold.
5 years ago I rescued a horse named Wrangler from a local Humane Society. He was rescued with a body score of 2. When I started working with him and adopted him, he was a body score of 3/4. He had been beaten and mistreated and wouldn’t allow me to put a halter on him, use a spray bottle, lunge whip, bridle, pretty much anything. Over the course of 3 years we had worked through all of this and we started eventing. He would have panic attacks if I fell off and would rush to the corner of the arena and shake. We tried showing and he would have panic attacks like those at home if he refused a jump or knocked down a pole.

After I owned him for 3 years we had formed quite a bond after working through so much. I unfortunately started nursing school, though, because at that time I had been out of high school for a while. This caught up to me, and my financial situation from being a student as well as not having very much time for anything but homework caught up to me. I made the heart wrenching decision to sell Armani to a fellow rider at the barn I rode at. They agreed that he was in a forever home, and would never be sold because I explained how badly he was mistreated and that I didn’t feel comfortable leaving the possibility of this happening to my poor baby again.

Long story short, they sold him on the down low without letting me know, and he’s now gone. I’m looking to see if I can find his new owners just so I know he’s safe. I have nightmares that because of his past and the issues that he has, any new/future owners won’t understand and he could end up in a bad situation. I’m looking to see if anyone knows someone who bought him. I know this is a long stretch but I’m going to do everything I can to locate him. He means the absolute world to me and I can’t bear not knowing where he’s gone. I need to know he’s safe. I have reason to believe that he was sold under false information, which also feeds into my fear of any new owners not understanding him. I’ve included pictures. I believe that he would have been sold to a hunter/jumper or dressage rider in northern IL. He was sold in the beginning of May. Any information would be absolutely appreciated. I’m not trying to buy him back, I’m just trying to make sure he’s in a safe place and is okay. Any horse owner who has a connection like I do with this horse can probably understand my concern.:no: