Arthritis in Fingers

Has anyone found way to aleviate the pain due to arthritis in fingers?

MSM or something similar?


A woman whom I know uses DMSO. It is not legal to be sold for human use any more, but it is available from veterinary supply catalogs.

Warm to hot water after you have been inactive for a while, like first thing in the morning, does great to get them moving without creaking.

Arthritis can have several causes and it comes and goes.
The knots and deformities you see are the result of the damage.
Because the inflamation comes and goes, many products people use have been given credit for working, but in fact, it was the normal progress of the disease that changed at that time.

Get a good Dr to look at them and see what could be done with what you have, if you have not yet.:yes:

Advice against DMSO

I would avoid DMSO - it is not something that in and of it’s self and effect relief of arthritic sufferers but is a means of delivering medicine to specific areas (like a joint) quickly. If you have ever had this on your skin you will find that within in a minute or 2 you can also taste it in your mouth (and it is not pleasant). Here is a link about DMSO :

If you are determined to use it I have found DMSO in TSCs

I use an arnica gel that seems to help If nothing else, the act of massaging it in helps warm up those pesky joints.

Stuff like icy hot also seems to help some, but I invariably forget and rub my face right afterwards :uhoh:

And Aleve, for that and any other joint pains that flare up.

A good set of gloves and reins for riding, and tools with fat handles for barn/yard/house work doesn’t hurt either.

Do not use animal grade DMSO, it is a byproduct of the wood industry. If you want to try it, you will need to find human medical grade, but I would really not recommend it’s use. I have found that drinking a good bit of a very good mineral water helps me when I have flares. I use Gerolsteiner water which has one of the highest mineral ingredients and must have something I seriously lack. It also does not have added Potassium and is naturally carbonated. I mix it with Pomegante juice…yummy. I also use Ibuprofen, liquid gel, sparingly and do warm up your hands if they are getting cold while riding. Soaking the whole body in warn water and Epsom salts and drinking my water…THE BEST!