Arthritis... what do you do about the pain?

So back in October I found out that I have arthritis in my neck due to an automobile accident when I was a teen. The residual damage due to whiplash is a neck that is as straight as a poll and a bunch of lovely little burs… So the Doc recommended cortisone shots… Did it, neck felt fantastic until today… rode my horse for the first time since the injections (I’m a busy lady) and did some heavy lifting (muck buckets over the snow).

I’m pretty sure the cortisone injections are a pretty finite rout of treatment… What do you guys do to manage arthritic flareups… Anyone recommend acupuncture?

check out autonomous stem cell prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma. it regenerates damaged tissue. It has been a huge help with my spinal/si issues. It dropped my pain from major drugs to occasional actemyophin. I am pain free most of the time. A PT with extra advanced training in orthopedics and neurology can make a huge difference, too. The Pt can show you techniques to keep you within a safe range of motion and adaptations to do what you want.

Dr Mayo Friedlis has a great site for detailed information.

Thank you! That’s the center I went to where they gave me the cortisone… maybe they’ll try the autonomous stem cell prolotherapy if I push for it?

sending pm. I will share the super PT with you, too!

sending pm. I will share the super PT with you, too![/QUOTE]

I take pain killers. I rotate them so I am not getting addicted and so my body doesn’t build up a tolerance to any one of them. Then too I just take off time from the meds and suffer.
Mine is so widespread over my entire body I have to just endure.
But I am thankful for my good days.
I rode last February and loved every minute of it but hurt for a week after. But I liked the ride so much it was worth it.
I am thankful for the little things I have to enjoy.
Regards, sadlmakr

I take small, regular doses of Diclofenac XR, and monitor the side effects carefully, as I know it can damage both my stomach lining and my liver. I also take Prilosec to manage the stomach acid, and have my liver checked every 6 months, and so far, so good.

I have severe osteoarthritis, though, and can’t really manage without the anti-inflammatory effects of the Diclofenac. It lets me keep functioning, and I love the stuff. When I have breakthrough pain (which is frequent) I occasionally take Tylenol, but I try to limit that because of liver damage. I take enough crap that I don’t need to damage my liver any more than it is.

It still hurts, but I learn to live with the residual pain - as long as I stay active I can deal with it. The elliptical machine is wonderful - it allows me to exercise virtually pain-free in a way that even swimming doesn’t mimic.

So back in October I found out that I have arthritis in my neck due to an automobile accident when I was a teen. The residual damage due to whiplash is a neck that is as straight as a poll and a bunch of lovely little burs… So the Doc recommended cortisone shots… Did it, neck felt fantastic until today… rode my horse for the first time since the injections (I’m a busy lady) and did some heavy lifting (muck buckets over the snow).

I’m pretty sure the cortisone injections are a pretty finite rout of treatment… What do you guys do to manage arthritic flareups… Anyone recommend acupuncture?[/QUOTE]

You CAN get cortisone shots indefinitely - but not too frequently ( max 4-6 per year ) according to my Rheumy.

And sure, try acupuncture, TENs, Aspercreme, heat, Chiropractor, ultrasound, whatever - anything and everything that’s non-invasive or poisonous is worth trying. Unless you’re too far gone, usually these ‘alternative therapies’ really do help.

I use whatever therapy I can get - plus now, after many years, I’m on arthritis meds, and pain meds. But the ‘alternative meds’ helped me a lot for years, and there’s really no down side to them. Try any or all - Good luck!

Oh, and I second TrueGrit’s post - the alternative meds helped me for a long time, and I still use them! They don’t cut it for the pain now (I have 60% dislocation in my thumbs because the arthritis has finally taken over - ouch!) but they help manage the stress that comes along with the pain. Yoga is particularly good for me - strengthens the muscles to support the joints, plus keeps me moving. Aspercreme and/or Biofreeze is still good, too - I get DH to put it on EVERY night on my ankles; it’s our ritual, and it really helps.

Diclofenac — it’s the only anti-inflammatory that works for me. I have arthritis from head to toe, two partial knee replacements, 8 surgeries for arthritis so far… I also have a sports medicine doctor that does acupuncture which helps a lot.

I have vicodin around all the time for when it’s needed. My doctors trust me with it. I sleep on a water bed which is nice and warm, and that helps, too. If you have a regular bed, you might want to consider an electric blanket — you could turn the blanket on before you get into bed so it would be nice and warm with no cold spots.

I had to change riding styles from hunt seat to western, and used big, honking Cloud stirrups which gave me a lot more support. I probably could have kept riding hunt seat, but I knew damn good and well that I’d do more than I should, and I’d still want to jump, ride long, long, fast distances (aka endurance), etc. Western, for me at least, is more sedate, even though I continued doing long trail rides. I’ve since given up riding when I realized that a fall would probably shatter my leg — which didn’t seem to be fun at all!


Does anyone take a joint supplement? Have you found one that works? :slight_smile:

I take Glucosamine and Chondroitin, but don’t think that it helps that much, but fish oil? That really does help. It reduces inflammation a LOT! I also take CoQ10, which I think helps too. I take that for my migraines, and for some reason it seems to help my arthritis as well.

I have been taking glucosamine and chrondroitin for about 10 years. i take it 2x a day. I would rather not find out how well it works by not taking it. I am not a control subject. However I did notice a huge difference when I started my 11 year old lab on the same dose at my vet’s suggestion (in the dog, not me). I also take triple dose fish oil at my md’s suggestin. and coQ

getting old sucks but beats the alternative.