Arthrofibrosis & Ankle arthroscopy - questions

Has anyone had an ankle arthroscopy or arthrofibrosis in the ankle?

What symptoms did you have that lead to the scar tissue removal?
What discussions did you have with your doctor?
Why did you decide to move forward with the surgery?
How quickly did you get back to riding again?

I broke my left ankle several years ago which resulted in having screws for a year. I was in PT before and after the screws were removed. My PT mentioned that the screws had most likely caused me to have an extremely low range of motion and could have led to scar tissue being built up. My range of motion in my ankles is average but getting my heels down while riding does cause some pain, especially in the winter. I can’t run on trails because my ankles aren’t stable enough to support my body - if I step on a rock or my feet don’t land perfectly flat, it causes a sharp pain up my leg. But, other than that, I can live a pretty normal life.

My right ankle had a grade 3 torn ligament 5+ years ago. When I was in PT for my broken ankle, we also rehabbed the right ankle. I do as much standing on a half foam roller as I can at work since I have a standing desk and while it has helped a little bit, I haven’t seen any difference with my range of motion, especially in the saddle.

So while I don’t think I NEED to have the scar tissue removed, it has sparked my interest as something to read up on in case there comes a moment when the pain starts to interfere with my day to day life.