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Article by Denis Glaccum in new Chronicle

WOW!! Did this hit the nails on several heads. A must read for all eventors, actually all horse people, in the latest Chronicle.


What does the article say?

This is the summary posted online:

The Forum With Denis Glaccum: Organizers Face Growing Challenges As Eventing Evolves

“In my opinion, the relationship between event organizers who carry the financial risk of hosting a competition and the U.S. Equestrian Federation is imbalanced and one-sided,” says Glaccum."

I’m not a subscriber, so I can’t see the whole article.


It would be very helpful if you could post the link.

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I’m reading the magazine, don’t know how to post from it. Sorry.

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Are you able to cut and paste the article?


Don’t cut and paste the whole article, that’s a violation of copyright. It’s okay to summarize it and maybe post a couple of quotes.


Ah, good point and suggestion.