artificial joints and eventing

I have a fake hip, an ankle that’s shot (needs to be replaced when they figure out how to do it), a knee that is full of debris and useless, a torn rotator cuff, and general old age and a handicap parking sticker.

So that being said, I miss eventing. Is it reasonable to want to do low level eventing again? I had to give up eventing because I couldn’t shorten my stirrups enough for the bigger fences and changed to dressage (which is a pretty demanding sport).

Is it really not safe due to my fake hip? I have an eventor that will take me at least to Novice but there is still that worry of a refusal and a fall…


I’m no expert on this, but I am on my 3rd artificial knee. If you have good doctors that you can trust to give you straight answers, ask them. If they give you the go-ahead, or even if they don’t, you need to decide if it’s worth the risk. If your a typical horseperson, you have a stubborn and independent streak :slight_smile: , and you’re going to do whatever it is that YOU want to do! If it’s going to make you happy, I’d say go for it. I don’t know how “safe” jumping is for an artificial hip since I still have my original equipment in that respect, for the time being. But ultimately, it’s your decision.

Thank you for your thoughts. Made me smile!

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