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Asmussen to Court Over Employee Wages

Too bad the TV commentators don’t comment on this sort of news when they’re talking about the trainers on race days.


What a creep.

And now he’s out of Belmont…

I saw him being congratulated on a horse today at Saratoga by a TV interviewer and I thought, “WHAT???!!!” And no question about this case. Disgusting.

.[quote=“Rackonteur, post:24, topic:388993, full:true”]
I saw him being congratulated on a horse today at Saratoga by a TV interviewer and I thought, “WHAT???!!!” And no question about this case. Disgusting.

I guess you like the passive-agressive “let’s embarass someone in a moment of celebration.” Classy. Says much more about you than the interviewer or Assmussen.

There’s a place and time for that conversation; not in the winner’s circle.


You have completely missed the point.
You don’t congratulate people who act like he has.
He shouldn’t even be IN the winner’s circle.
He’s a loser.

Today’s news:

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