I’m not really sure where to begin, or even what I’m looking for - advice, sympathy, a kick in the butt, or what but I’ll take what I can get. I suppose I mostly just need to vent…
I have fibromyalgia (FM), as well as fairly severe anxiety and depression. The later two are mostly under control, but when I get bad flare ups of FM, they come creeping back. And lately, the fibro has been bad.
I’m a recent university graduate and I just got a fabulous new job which I really enjoy - I’m on contract, with the possibility of being hired on long term. I am terrified of my fibro - I’m basically just waiting for it to cost me my job. My employers, while wonderful and understanding, don’t know I have fibro. Telling them, to me, would be like basically giving up the possibility of being hired on long term.
I have two horses - one of whom is leased out, the other who is partboarded - and selling either of them is not an option I want to consider. When I ride, it’s basically the only time I enjoy myself. Well, that or being cuddled in bed with my cats.
My life has become: work, barn and rest. I’m okay with this, but it is wearing on me. Thankfully I have a wonderful barn family so I could not show up for weeks and my horses would be 110% fine. I haven’t been to the barn in a few days because I’ve just been too tired, which is likely a large part of the reason I’m feeling so depressed.
Which brings us to today. Touching anything with my hands feels like I’m having razor’s shoved under my fingernails. The Paresthesia (tingling, numb, burning, awfulness) is off the charts; I could rip my skin off. And everything just hurts - not a lot, just a dull background pain that is constant and wearing.
But the worst is that I can’t stay awake. I have had two cups of tea in the last 30 minutes. I’ve started in on my lunch already just to try and give me a bit of energy. I’m listening to 90’s pop music to attempt to wake myself up. And I ENJOY my work. But I just can’t keep my eyes open. I am just exhausted, all the time.
I go to bed around 9, and sleep until about 6:30. I don’t really do anything besides work and riding. I sleep with a plethora of pillows, and have to make the daily choice of sleeping comfortably, or sleeping in a position in a that won’t cause me pain the next day. I sleep with a mouthguard (terrible TMJ), ice packs or heating pads, sleep masks, “standing bandages” (wrapped ankles), and often copious amounts of Tylenol 3’s, which don’t do anything but I’m desperate. I do have sleeping pills, but only use them in extreme cases because they are a) addictive and b) make me feel worse.
I want to go cry into my horse’s mane. I want to go home. I just want to sleep, restfully, for just a few hours.
I have already taken a bunch of sick days (wrecked my ankle dismounting…) and I’ve been at the company for less than two months.
I am terrified I won’t be able to hold down a job. I am terrified I will lose the only pleasure I get, my horses. I am just so scared that FM will destroy me even further. And it sucks.