I DO hope you will be in Deauville, and have time to pay homage to Coco Chanel. IIRC, wasn’t that the site of her first boutique?
Looking forward to seeing WEG 2014 through your eyes…
I DO hope you will be in Deauville, and have time to pay homage to Coco Chanel. IIRC, wasn’t that the site of her first boutique?
Looking forward to seeing WEG 2014 through your eyes…
Aunt Esther is indeed here, but has retired for the evening as our driver picks us up before 7 to head to Caen. I am sure she will be able to post tomorrow :yes:
Aunt Esther is indeed here, but has retired for the evening as our driver picks us up before 7 to head to Caen. I am sure she will be able to post tomorrow :yes:[/QUOTE]
Yay! I hope Aunt Esther can apprise us of the food, wine and shopping offerings at the WEG and surrounding cities and villages. I am sure she has willed-away jetlag with lavender eye-mask on her flight and a glass or two of fine wine.
She is sitting next to me in her favorite hospitality section at this very minute. Sadly I cannot post photos using the tablet, which is a huge bummer.
Can’t wait!
I’m on pins and needles waiting to hear Aunt Esther’s take on the toilet situation. Normally, of course, it would be a rather indelicate subject; but we’re all friends here.
Fortunately Aunt Esther is sitting in VIP, which has a private restroom. She is currently chatting with an old beau, and apologizes for her absence yesterday, but when she finally got back to the hotel in Deauville she had a quick dinner and retired. She promises to post a full report tonight.
I am happily awaiting Aunt Esther’s full report.
I am happily awaiting Aunt Esther’s full report.[/QUOTE]
Mon Dieu! Picture la Tante hiking up her Chanel skirt to have a pee “turkish style” :lol::lol::lol::lol::eek:
The mind boggles at such an imaginary visual…but if anyone could do it with grace and style, it would be Aunt Esther! And I’m sure she could hold onto her glass of champagne whilst doing so.