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Aussie saddles bad for horse's back?

I’d be surprised if they sit the rider too far back - I’ve always heard that they’re great for short-backed horses. That’s why I got mine to begin with.

FWIW, I’ve covered hundreds of miles in mine, and had no problems. Of course, a poorly fitting Aussie will cause the same damage as any other poorly fitting saddle, but the reputable sellers will help you make sure your saddle fits correctly.[/QUOTE]

I’m new here but thought I should mentions that I agree with this person. Any saddle you buy if it does not fit the horse will hurt the horse. I ride Paso Finos but have ridden QHs and Paints in western saddles and Hunter you can get a good trail saddle in a round skirt. Wintec Isabella are great saddles. I ride my Pasos in both dressage and western tack (trail saddle). Her gait is better in the Dressage tack. My legs are long. I am more comfortable in a Dressage saddle. But use my trail tack for trail. Check out a trail saddle in a round skirt. You might like it. Good luck.