avulsion fracture (badly sprained) ankle

I twisted my ankle on Sept 14th. I spent about a week in a boot and then wrapped and taped the ankle. I had a huge show in Oct. that I had prepaid, so of course, I rode for three weeks in Oct and showed as well (pretty much AMA but my Dr. knew that unless it was impossible- I was going to do it!)

I still have swelling, pain and general discomfort. I had stopped wrapping for a few days, but had to go back to it. I can hardly stand to wear shoes because they rub the ankle ( I wear running shoes for support).I am a teacher so by definition I am on my feet all day.
My question is should I go back to the MD., what would they prescribe that is different than what I am doing (wrapping, supportive shoes, nsaids as needed). Or do I suck it up for a while longer? It seems like the pain over my ankle bone should be gone, I expect some soft tissue tenderness and instability.

Any tips for wrapping and riding? I have to pad the ankle as it hurts to touch the bone. I am still trying to find the best combination of padding and support that will fit into my boots.

It’s a mistake not to follow Dr orders. If you don’t allow the ankle to heal properly and for long enough you put yourself at serious risk for reinjuring it.

The first time I broke my ankle, as soon as I got the cast off I started walking on it right away and skipped the physical therapy. This caused my ligaments to not tighten up contributing to a much more serious ankle fracture less that two years later, which I got simply by taking a wrong step. I had hardware installed to fix it the second time and 6 months later twisted the ankle again and broke 3 bones in my foot. All because I was impatient.

I am from a medical family, so I know better. At this point I am ready to be a good girl, but I am not sure if he would have me do anything differently.

I think my biggest question is if it is normal to still have this much swelling and discomfort this far out (7 weeks, yikes),if I am being a wimp, or if I need to have it looked at again.

If I am just being wimpy, I wonder if anyone has a magic formula of braces or wraps (vet wrap has been my friend).

Did you do any pt to strengthen your ankle after the initial break? My MD did not prescribe any, but was willing to send me to an orthopedist for a second opinion.
I hope your prognosis is good for a continuing recovery.

I would get it looked at. Better to have your suspicions confirmed (that they won’t suggest anything different) than to have a problem go bu undiagnosed.

Go in and have it looked at.

I sprained the crap out of mine on October 6th and I’m ahead of you on recovery. I stayed off it completely for almost a week, then wrapped during the day for another 2 weeks and iced and elevated at night and took 4 advil as I went to bed (took the swelling down by morning). I stopped wrapping it at 3 weeks because I started riding again and couldn’t get my boots on - also was tired of the hassle.

Saw the Dr. 4 weeks out because I’ve still got swelling and the top of my foot is numb. He told me that I didn’t need to still be wrapping it, should wear shoes with support, and needed to start doing exercises for strength and flexibility. He offered me PT, but it’s hard to work it into my schedule so I passed and swore to do it on my own (so far so good).

It’s still (almost 6 weeks out) painful and swells during the day, but I can stand to walk on it, touch it and am feeling more and more comfortable. I’m nowhere near being fully recovered, but it’s definitely not as painful anymore as yours sounds. Also, FWIW, I was told that I could ride as soon as I could stand it and the bicycling would also be okay. But I’m not allowed to jog or play soccer until I can comfortably hop up and down on that leg.

He said that now that they recommend weight bearing as soon as you can stand it (with appropriate shoes/support) that it typically takes 8-12 weeks to fully recover. Told me to come back again if I still had swelling or numbness 12 weeks out.

I fell from my horse and thought I’d sprained the ankle badly. (The ambulance guy said, “If you can stand on it, it’s not broken,” and others told me when they saw they huge, swollen, black and blue thing that “sprains always look worse than breaks.”) I hobbled around for a couple of weeks and finally went to the doctor because I wanted an Rx for physical therapy. He took one look at how swollen it still was two weeks after the fact and sent me for an MRI. Turns out I had the sprain and avulsion fractures, but ALSO a non-displaced fracture of the talus, which can require surgery. after two weeks of hobbling around in a bandage, I ended up back in a boot and using crutches for EIGHT weeks.
so… Go back to the dr. There might be something they missed at first that requires treatment, AND they can get you lined up for PT to make sure everything heals as well as possible. (As far as riding goes, I kept doing it while I was on crutches/boot, I just rode without stirrups so there was no pressure on it, and got leg-ups to get on. Getting off was the trickiest because I needed to hang on the horse to lower myself gently down onto my good foot only.)

Follow doctor’s orders…ankle injuries are terrible to get over. Don’t rush it.

also I would suggest you get a runners ankle brace for regular walking around for a while… altho I have ridden in mine (with paddock boots) the support lets your foot swivel normally for walking and running ( or putting your heels down) but prevents the ankle from rotating sideways. the are light and not cumbersome since they aremade for runners. also when you are just sitting around, go ahead and elevate. Good luck, it is a long slow process.

Thanks all! I needed to have an idea of what was typical. I will be making a follow up asap.
The funny thing abt it is both the GP and the radiologist 's first question was “is this from riding?”
Nope, I took a bad step in a divot onthe ground. I don’t even have a good story.