Baby steps with bad back and riding

Yay, I rode the (short, fat and furry 14 HH) fire breathing dragon today and my back is NOT killing me now. Whoo hoo!

I have severe DDD (worked about 1000 years as a nurse), and my riding abilities have been impacted. If nobody makes a sudden move, I can do ok, but spooks and bucks shoot lightening bolts in my back.

He is a barely started 7 or 8 year old gorgeous mutt. I have visions of dressage or wee jumping with him. But that’s just the future dream, first I gotta get him truly broke and trained and we’ll see what he wants to do.

I haven’t been on a horse for a year due to pain so I really am pleased he cooperated so well. We practiced mounting and dismounting since this was an issue last year. He stood like a rock. He was nervous but did his darndest to understand and obey. Lots of chomping the bit so I’ll go through the collection for a fatter D ring.

YAY, you!