I have an older horse who I suspect has pretty bad back pain due to a lifetime of being ridden in a false frame, having a few foals, and now some arthritis in her hind hock is making her gait asymmetrical…She’s an angel on the lunge, but as soon as you get on she either balks, bolts or bucks. Anyway, I’m planning to take her to a really good chiro in my area and see what he suggests, and whether the pain is fixable/manageable or wether it’s time to turn her out to pasture.
So, my question is, in the event that I can start riding her again, are there any half pads like the Thinlines I see everywhere that would actually make a significant difference in her comfort? Has anyone had luck with them? Or anything else that might make her comfy?
Thank you so much! I’m definitely on the desperate side. XD