back pain-how long to heal?

A couple of days ago I was riding a horse when he turned to sharply and i fell off. I landed on my back and felt the pain as soon as I landed. It felt like a sharp, burning pain coming from my lower left back. I couldn’t move my legs for about five-ten minutes because it hurt so bad.I may’ve blacked out but I’m not exactly sure. I didn’t go to the hospital or go by ambulance or anything. I just went home and took Advil. (this happened on Tuesday). It is now Thursday and my back still hurts, especially when I get up from lying down, or sit up or bend suddenly…so I was wondering, how long does it take for back pain to heal?

Go to the doctor. Back injuries can be very serious. I don’t want to seem like an alarmist, but it is possible to have fractures, herniated discs or other serious damage and still be able to walk around and not “feel” like you need to go to the doctor. I know this because I walked around (and rode) with several fractures in my spine and pelvis for a couple months before finally going to an orthopedist. By the time I went to the Dr. the damage was irreversible. You may only have torn or pulled a muscle, and I sincerely hope that is the case, but back injuries are not something to take lightly or try to tough out. I wish I hadn’t.

That being said, back injuries take a long time to heal because it’s very hard to rest your back. You need it to do pretty much everything. Try to take it easy and please, please see a Dr.

Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery!

Go to the doc

I fell off November 1, 2009, broke 5 vertebrae. Depending on what I do I still have pain, and more than likely always will.

Yeah like they said!!

You could have also broken/cracked your pelvis too so…get thee some Xrays! Puhlease!!!

Is there a hematoma? Tingling? Numbness? Shooting pain? Lump there? Pain on movement? Pain that prevents sleep? Pain when weight bearing only? Pain when sitting? Pain when you bend? and so on?..

You know…not all serious injuries hurt like hell…some are kinda “not that big a deal” to us goofy horsepeople but…CAN be lifelong debilitating injuries…AND don’t negate the head injury possibility that’s clouding your judgement re: it’s seriousness…
I mean = I’m just sayin’…:smiley:
I can’t diagnose for here! :rolleyes:

after i first did it,there was some bruising as well as some redness that resembled “road rash”…the redness is gone,but the bruising isnt’. And as far as pain,it hurts when i walk,especially when I’m getting up from sitting down or getting up from laying down. And I would like to get it checked out by a doctor,but my mom won’t take me as she is saying “its just some sore muscles”

Body mechanics with back pain

Hi there EightBelles,

Sounds like you’re looking for support, as I have occasionally come to this board for too. I hope your mom is right. No one can tell you how long it will take. And no one knows what is wrong, including your mom. I’m a young adult who lived with back pain for years with the attitude that is was “just muscles.” Recently I found out it’s much more.

Since you may be a minor and can’t get yourself to the doctor immediately, there are some things you can do in the mean time that may help avoid some pain. This isn’t a treatment, just ways to move your body. You still need a professional medical eval, of course! Caveat emptor.

Rising from bed: My PT taught me to wiggle to the edge of the bed while laying on my side. Let your lower legs fall down off the side. Now your upper body is still on its side toward the edge of the bed; legs are hanging off. With the arm you are not laying on, reach across your chest and put that free hand on the bed right in front/underneath your upper body and push yourself up. You’re using your arm to get up and keeping your stomach muscles tight and back straight. Now you’re sitting with your legs off the bed. Stand up using your legs while keeping stomach muscles tight. You can really tell when you aren’t pulling your back muscles doing this correctly.

Standing, walking, and sitting are all also very painful for me. I try to do a lot of transitions if possible. Moving my back in different positions gives me a glimpse of relief. Engage your stomach muscles as often as you can think of it. Don’t let your default balancer/lifter/power source be your back: it has to be your core.

I hope your mom takes this more seriously and you can get professional treatment soon. Best of luck.

Go to your doctor, I see an MRI in your future.