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back problem (compression fracture) and riding styles (comfort)

i have an old compression fracture (L1) that i still suffer a good amount of pain from… feel free to see my old posts for info. injury happened 10 years ago almost to the day

however… i have found… that riding in a saddle really hurts my back… whereas bareback causes me almost no pain.

has anyone else found this to be true for them? why do you think this is the case?

I would assume the way your compression is impinging on nerves is more when riding in a saddle, less bareback.
If you can find how to ride in a saddle in that same position as bareback, or a different one that you are riding in now that relieves nerve pressure, that could help.

I have two forward collapsed vertebrae.T8 and T9, kyphosis.
Over years I have learned how to stand, lay, walk, cough, and do things to avoid it hurting.

About two years ago my back started really hurting there.
I went to the doctor and it was … shingles starting, not my back, duh!
Had the vaccine 8 years ago, but they now know it only lasts 5 years.
It did help the outbreak to be short lived.

Each person is different, but if you are having pain, maybe check with your doctor, something may be changing that needs addressed?