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Backpack vacum

Saw a backpack vacum for horses on line. Only sells in the UK. Has anyone every used such a thing? It looks like it would be really nice & mobile. Can anyone give me any feed back on them & ideas on where to get one?

What is the horse vacuuming?

LOL. I use a shop vac with a 20 ft hose and it works great. I put a piece of wood in front of it to keep it from rolling. My goal is to add a boom where the vacuum hose can not get under the horses feet and goes overhead eventually.

I’ve seen a couple on eBay – https://www.ebay.com/itm/Atrix-VACBP1-Backpack-HEPA-Vacuum-Blower/153814699474?epid=112157868&hash=item23d0120dd2:g:c9AAAOSwMyteMiRM