Bad bladder incontenance....

Hi All,
I have severe bladder incontenance…not just with riding but sometimes simply standing up from a sitting position I will leak. When I try to work out or ride it freely flows I have no control. I do use pads but they can’t absorb the amount of urine as fast as it comes out so I am soaked. Frankly I am sick of being embarrassed and tired of consistently not being able to as active as I want to be. Some history… I am 47 had a hysterectomy at 29 and one child. I have had to have many stents due to kidney stones. I also take Mybetriq, So my question is…anyone have this issue too? What options have you used?

I do have a dr appt at the end of January but I am looking opinions that others have have success with before I go.
Thank you

Hi I had a mesh put in. Life is much better for me. I still use a very light pad but hardly leak any more

I was leaning toward the mesh but I wasn’t sure do to all the tv warnings about it. Thank you

I also had the sling (mesh) surgery. It was life changing. Seriously. My only regret was that I hadn’t done it years earlier. I had absolutely no leakage problems after the procedure. It’s been at least 10 years since I had it done and I haven’t had any issues related to the surgery.

Are you doing Kegel exercises?
Have you had any “bladder training”?

I just had my first child this year and I had no idea how much your bladder muscles suffer, LOL. I’d so much as turn my body to grab something and I’d there I’d majority leak! I tried to start exercising about 2 months after baby and good lord, jumping jacks were a nightmare.

That was about 7 months ago and now I’m to the point where I only leak once in a while with very strenuous high intensity exercise.

But I did 6 weeks of therapy with a biofeedback machine and a therapist, and continue to do maintainence Kegel exercises. With the machine, they put TWO probes down there (one in each hole :eek: ) so that they can measure your current muscle tone and also help you to learn how to do the Kegels correctly. And then, you do several minutes of stimulation training (you just sit there and the machine does the work … think of one of those ab belts for comparison). The basic problem is 6 weeks and you can do it longer. For me, 6 weeks was enough to start gaining some control and also give me feedback on doing the Kegels at home.

I think going through that training REALLY helped. Be sure to ask your doctor about it.

Just like any other muscle group in your body, you can’t expect to NOT do any work and suddenly have results. You have to work at it to keep the strength up and keep it maintained. You’ve got to exercise those bladder supporting muscles so they can support!

Mybetriq (to my knowledge) simply helps prevent the bladder from spasming. It doesn’t not do anything to strengthen the support muscles. The mesh surgery is using a mesh to “replace” or strengthen the weak sling muscles. (That can be strengthened with Kegels. )

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Make sure your Dr checks for UTIs as well. May not be the whole problem but can cause leaking.

If you are worried about a medical product such as the mesh, find out what the Dr plans on using and do your own research. Sometimes those class action suits are against a specific product while others may be just fine… mesh? I don’t know.

Are you doing Kegel exercises?
Have you had any “bladder training”?


But I did 6 weeks of therapy with a biofeedback machine and a therapist, and continue to do maintainence Kegel exercises. With the machine, they put TWO probes down there (one in each hole :eek: ) so that they can measure your current muscle tone and also help you to learn how to do the Kegels correctly. And then, you do several minutes of stimulation training (you just sit there and the machine does the work … think of one of those ab belts for comparison). The basic problem is 6 weeks and you can do it longer. For me, 6 weeks was enough to start gaining some control and also give me feedback on doing the Kegels at home.

I think going through that training REALLY helped. Be sure to ask your doctor about it. [/QUOTE]

I did all that, as well. My insurance wouldn’t pay for the surgery unless physical therapy didn’t solve the problem. I worked with a great physical therapist and it did help - I think I estimated at the time about a 30%-40% improvement. But I still couldn’t ride or engage in strenuous exercise without some serious leakage.

I also forgot to mention the pessary. I tried this for a few months. it is a round disk that fits in your uterus and helps hold things up. It worked for me until time to take it out. major pain and I could not do it.

so I did the surgery. I was offered the kegel exercises but said no.

Kegels don’t always work. I did the physical therapy after my second child, whose pregnancy birth destroyed the pelvic floor my first seriously impaired. Not effective.

I need to do the mesh surgery. I know several horsewomen who have had it with good results. with time I got a bit better, than gained 10 pounds due to a med change for migraines and now it sucks again.

I had the bladder mesh surgery. It worked, and was virtually painless. I had a major complication due to the positioning during the surgery that left me in agony for years until we figured out they tore the labrum in my hip. I literally walked in but could not walk out. I imagine the chances if that happening to you are slim but felt like I had to mention it.

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There are pills for an “overactive” bladder–but that may not be the same thing you’re facing. As it was explained to me, the muscles surrounding the bladder contract too easily & the pills somehow inhibit the squeeze. I can’t recall the name of the pills, although they do work, but you should be able to google it. IF that’s what’s going on.

Words to Live By:

Love the one you’re with.
Go to the bathroom every time you get the chance.

WOCN…Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society is the professional organization whose members deal with this. Try this link to find a reference. WOC Nurses who specialize in continence issues work with urologists and gyno-urologists in the clinical setting. You can also contact Emery University’s WOCN program. As a WOC nurse, I have unfortunately seen a fare bit of not current practice by some urologists, including one treating my elderly mother (: State of the art continence diagnostics and treatment is MUCH more than just wearing pads and going to the bathroom every 2 hours. Your qualityof life is worth it.


Hi All,
Thi has been a 18 month ordeal while its been happening longer the last 9 months are really been bad. It only takes a little bit f stress and I’m soaked. We have tried the Kegals as the first treatment then the medications and now I am just over it. I have stopped going to the gym and riding I have to wear a tampon type thing and a full brief… its all uncomfortable. and I am tired of the oder and embarrassment. I am 47.My Bf was going to get me a Verhan saddle for xmas (slightly used of course) but had to say no because I have soaked my Isabelle so much its ruined and I refused to ride in a leather saddle.

So I am going to see the urologist next month and we need to do something different and wanted to hear from you guys because have a world of experience. Thank you for sharing!

I have a spinal cord injury and the resulting fact is that I do not have control over my bladder. I am starting the physical therapy/biofeedback next week, for 8 weeks, and I am hopeful that it teaches me how to better control it muscularly.

I feel your frustration, and the weariness of trying everything. Keep going and keep asking for answers. I will let you know what happens with the PT!

There are different types of mesh. The mesh for incontinence works great, mesh for prolapse (things falling down) run from. The prolapse mesh is where all the problems are.

With what you are describing, the mesh is likely the way to go. They should do some testing to see what makes you leak. It is likely the muscle that controls the urethra that is the problem with what you are describing. They can do a urethral bulking technique, which can help with this as well. But the last I looked the sling was the standard of care. And if you don’t get what you need from the urologist, cn look at seeing a urogynecologist - this is what they do all day long. some urologist do it a lot, but often times it isn’t their favorite thing to treat.

Small Update…
I just had ultrasounds and X-rays in prep for the new Urologist I am seeing on Tuesday. I have 8 more stones…grrrrrrr…so much for litho I had earlier this year. I am such a chronic stone maker. I was told I just have to deal with it and the incontinance so I am going to see this new Dr. I will be addressing the stone making and the incontinance …any other things you guys think I should ask giving the info Ive posted?


Don’t accept “you just have to deal with it.” Find someone else. (Hugs), I have struggled with this issue after my second 9 lb child and I get it. I need to get the mesh, just putting it off because there is never a good time

See a pelvic floor physical therapist - someone (woman) who does this ONLY. Don’t be embarrassed. It really does help!

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Try wearing a full brief but also self-cathing just before you get on.

This is an issue far too little discussed among women of, ahem, a certain age. Thank you, Spook 1,for having the courage to start this thread!
IMO, just trying to manage the symptoms with absorbent products is NOT an acceptable answer! If your doctor is in the “adult incontinence products are a huge and rapidly growing market” camp, you deserve better and more thoughtful care (!) After all, your doctor wouldnt be willing to accept that answer at face value if he/she personally had to deal with it…
After doing my own research 8 years ago, i started taking an evening primrose oil supplement, and it has been a complete solution for me, zero side effects, easy to find, and it’s inexpensive. I know it works, because if i forget to take it, the symptoms return within about 24 hrs. Nothing short of miraculous. And it eases other unpleasant hormonally related issues, too.
Hope everyone following this thread finds the right solution for their situation!