And Bold and Bossy, the filly who was running down the highway yesterday, was in the receiving barn that burned! That filly must be thinking that a career as a racehorse really stinks!
From Bloodhorse:
"Bold and Bossy, trained by Michael Ann Ewing, was among the horses in the receiving barn Sunday morning when the structure caught fire. A day earlier, the decision was made with Ewing’s own vet, Dr. Joe Morgan, to keep her at Ellis overnight to reduce the added stress of being transported back to Ewing’s base at The Thoroughbred Center in Lexington. After transporting the filly by equine ambulance to the receiving barn at Ellis Park, the state veterinarian gave her fluids to help combat dehydration. Ewing’s assistant Kelsey Wallace stayed overnight to check on the filly and continue delivering fluids.
“This morning, we got a call from our vet (Dr. Morgan): ‘The receiving barn was burning down. We know someone got your filly out, but we can’t find her,’” Ewing said Sunday. “We found out she was in Eddie Kenneally’s barn. It was very dark this morning to see, but the filly is burned over her neck, shoulders, withers, and back.”
Ewing met Wallace and the filly at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington Sunday at about 10 a.m. ET to continue assessing Bold and Bossy’s condition. The filly is being kept in an air-conditioned stall and receiving fluids as blood work is run under the care of Dr. Kate Christie. A full recovery is expected, and Bold and Bossy will receive plenty of time off to recuperate."