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Bad footing - who is liable?

This was very informative and eye opening. Moral of the story is a lot of judgements can be changed on appeal.

good old it IT Dependsā€¦ the buildings we leased All snow/ice removal was the duty of the landlord as was all exterior needs was the duty of the landlord

So I went through and cherry picked of these those that seemed to err on the side of the plaintiff (whether or not that was the final resolution or not) and have spent the last three days reading.

Long story short, how the hell any horse professional hangs out a shingle these days is baffling. Yikes.


Might be like that around here too since most businesses are cleared right away and a few random othersā€¦not. If I see an unsafe lot I wonā€™t shop there till it is clear. There is nothing I need to buy that badly.

THIS! Where I board the footing is good and decently maintained. I have still seen horses trip, go down on knees, even pitch off the rider. We did have a situation where big young horse kicked the stall door off its track during the night and then got foot stuck under it. Sadly the horse was euthanized. Owners had insurance, but either they or the ins. co still went after the barn owner. There was some settlement.