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Bad Neighbors, Live & Learn...

Op, I am sorry you are going through this but you decided to build an arena very close to the back yard of another house. I do not know why you would assume that the kindly neighbors who were retired would remain in their house as long as you do.

It sounds like you bought a marginally suitable property and put an arena so close to another residence as to be somewhat unsafe if the other property owners are outside using their backyard. That is not the neighbors problem.

I do not see how, if what they are doing on their property is not illegal, they would be liable for any injuries to you. Of course I am not an attorney I just don’t see what the justification would be for a law suit. You have no right to tell them what they can and cannot do on their property any more than they can tell the same to you.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Yes, themkids actually trespassing into the arena is an issue, and I agree with signs and calling their bishop.

But loud sweary rap music every time the neighbours come out into their yard, as suggested? Yeah, I’d suddenly discover a hobby of running around shrieking with every garbage bag in existence tied to me while neighbour is riding, if my neighbour did something like that.

If the people doing stuff in their own yard bothers OP, OP’s arena is too close to their property and OP needs fencing. Or moving the arena.

I don’t agree with talking to their Bishop, talk to them directly. It really isn’t the Bishop’s concern; they may be very good people and on good standing in their church, just not very horse savy neighbors. I have to agree also with the posters who have stated, it’s their yard and they should be free to do as they want and when they want. I’m pretty sure you would not want them telling you when you can ride and when you can’t because it’s somehow bothering them. Put as much barrier up between the two locations or move your arena.

It is hard to expect people to do what you want them to do when they are on their property. It is irritating that they seem to relish doing things to irritate you. I would place a natural “hedge” like the Leland cypress, just inside your boundary line, then maybe attach electric fencing to the outside of the arena. I would consider their activities free bombproofing. Just think how unphased your horse will be at shows.

I agree. Yes, themkids actually trespassing into the arena is an issue, and I agree with signs and calling their bishop.

But loud sweary rap music every time the neighbours come out into their yard, as suggested? Yeah, I’d suddenly discover a hobby of running around shrieking with every garbage bag in existence tied to me while neighbour is riding, if my neighbour did something like that.

If the people doing stuff in their own yard bothers OP, OP’s arena is too close to their property and OP needs fencing. Or moving the arena.[/QUOTE]

Not that I would play something just to be annoying, but sometimes music can help drown out some of the background noise that might be bothering the horse. A number of people at the boarding barn I board at play music while they ride in an effort to prevent spookiness from noises since it is in a suburb. My neighbors sons play rap music all of the time when they are playing basketball. I wouldn’t do it to be obnoxious, but I’d put some music on to reduce some of the noise coming from next door.

Thanks for all the advise guys. I still think possibly going to see their bishop if the situation continues is the best course of action because these people HAVE proven that they are down right rude and disrespectful and doing something out of malice.

To those that are telling me the same thing they are, that I can’t tell them what to do on their property… I am not sure how you are as ignorant as they are when I clearly mentioned in the original post that “I would never try to tell someone what to do on their property.” Likewise, they can’t with me either, which equals profanity in my music to drive them off, being totally acceptable. If annoyance is the game, two can play it! I also cannot move my arena as it is now permanent due to fencing and substrate. If I were to move it, it would just end up on someone else’s fence line/next to their house; there is flat out no where else to move it. To say my neighbors of 35 years would move on me and I should have known that, I find a bit wild and cruel. They loved having us there and never minded my arena, actually really enjoyed watching me ride.

I have gone above and beyond for these neighbors in the past as well. Letting their kids over to play with my daughter, letting them ride a pony while being led, fixing their fences, mowing their lawns, taking care of their animals, giving them animals… Then they told me one day my horses were a liability and started treating me like this. I find it completely unaccepatable behavior and I am pretty positive there IS some sort of legal ramifications if a horse and rider were to be injured due to their negligence, even if the shenanigans ware on their property. Especially since I have paper trails of asking them to politely be mindful of the situation. I do agree that I need to make a very solid paper trail with them though. I have tried effortlessly to turn the other check, work on bomb proofing my horses and look the other way for months now. Some times there is a line that has to be drawn.

I am working on the giant Thuja’s as we speak; they are also a very fast growing form of screen like shrubbery, like all the others mentioned above.

For the record… My horses are pretty damn bombproof, I don’t need any more work on that and so much so, that my horses are afraid of them walking outside. I live across the street from a naval landing field where F18’s bounce on a daily basis. Most horses will not tolerate it, mine do just fine, after burners and all. My horses live around pot belly pigs, goats, zebu and alpaca; not afraid of those at all. Even cattle, no problem. Trampolines, no problem. My daughter chasing my horses with a power wheels, no problem. Things they can’t see flying out of nowhere will always be an issue for horse owners, if they can’t see where a noise or object is coming from or something sneak attacks them, you can’t train for that. That causes accidents and possibly death. Please be kind and actually thoughtful when responding because some of these are quite wild!

I apologize some of you don’t agree with my “descriptive terms” in order to describe them and the situation. Unfortunatly, they are true and I will use them as I see fit. We all have opinions and we are all entitled to them. My words aren’t mean or unkind, they are simply descriptive.

Plating poison ivy/sumac or very nasty and thorny plants can work nicely too!

Also for the record… Please keep in mind that these individuals CHOSE to move in to a home that was next to my arena, that had already been there for years. They personally chose to do that. I did not build an arena next to their home. The prior people who lived there, when I was planning to build the arena, I spoke to before locating it there. I had all my bases on my end covered correctly.


I apologize some of you don’t agree with my “descriptive terms” in order to describe them and the situation. Unfortunatly, they are true and I will use them as I see fit. We all have opinions and we are all entitled to them. My words aren’t mean or unkind, they are simply descriptive.[/QUOTE]
They are wrong because they are said with malice and do not change the story at all.
Why does it matter what religion they are? There are non-Mormons with big families that home school.
Your problem is with the people and what the people are doing. It has nothing to do with them being Mormon, it has pretty much nothing to do with them being home schooled either.

Do whatever you want with your music. Clearly in your world if your neighbor is rude to you, you go about being rude right back at them.

I have a difficult neighbor. They were annoyed because we bought the land next door and built our house. They went out of their way to be miserable.
I suppose I could have done your technique, put my manure pile where it bothered them the most, be loud and troublesome, etc. I chose the opposite. I ignore them. They now ignore me.
I be the neighbor I would like my neighbors to be to me.

Trunandloki… I have always been the neighbor that took the high road and ignored them. I am really sorry you don’t like me calling them Mormons, which is exactly what they are. Should I not call a sheep a sheep!? Yes, of course I am frustrated and angry with their piss poor behavior. Regardless of their behavior… they are still Mormons, I don’t care if they were Cathloic. No, I personally don’t believe in Mormonism and find their practices to be cult like but it doesn’t mean I hate all Mormons and am not religion tolerant. I think you have taken this quite a bit further away from the actual topic than you needed to! Sounds like you have some religious inequality going on in your life. Please take that up with someone else because that has nothing to do with this topic thread. This topic thread has to do with neighbors displaying piss poor behavior and what others may have done to help the situation, they just so happen to be Mormon and never leave the home. Usually Mormons, regardless of what I think of their biblical teachings, seem to be “solid citizens” which is why I was so appalled when all this started happening suddenly. People make a very good point to go politely speak the their bishop, it is a wonderful suggestion actually.

Speak to their bishop.

Have your lawyer send a cease and desist or even just a letter that outlines their liability should any of their houliganism cause you injury. I have no idea what your laws are, but up here in the GWN, it is the motorist’s, parent’s, cyclist’s responsibility to keep rider and horse safe. Check your laws. Ask your lawyer what is likely to appropriate AND effective.

When your lawyer has drafted the perfect letter, ask for an extra copy and send it on to the bishop.

Check. Mate. in 2 easy steps.

My answer would be decidedly different if the story was a little different. Like, say you could only ride during the kids’ evening play time. Too bad, suck it up, thank them for the bomb proofing. Say the idiot dad hadn’t been such a dick and had apologized profusely for his shitty behaviour and the behaviour of his spawn. Too bad, suck it up, thank them for the bomb proofing.

But yeah, when you’re dealing with a dick, you’re going to have to hit him in the majickal underwear to make yourself heard. I doubt that a lawyer’s letter alone would be enough. Use the bishop as a resource.

Great idea and suggestion! I do believe this is a non typical annoyance situation. Thanks Sascha!

Speak to their bishop.

Have your lawyer send a cease and desist or even just a letter that outlines their liability should any of their houliganism cause you injury. I have no idea what your laws are, but up here in the GWN, it is the motorist’s, parent’s, cyclist’s responsibility to keep rider and horse safe. Check your laws. Ask your lawyer what is likely to appropriate AND effective.

When your lawyer has drafted the perfect letter, ask for an extra copy and send it on to the bishop.

Check. Mate. in 2 easy steps.

My answer would be decidedly different if the story was a little different. Like, say you could only ride during the kids’ evening play time. Too bad, suck it up, thank them for the bomb proofing. Say the idiot dad hadn’t been such a dick and had apologized profusely for his shitty behaviour and the behaviour of his spawn. Too bad, suck it up, thank them for the bomb proofing.

But yeah, when you’re dealing with a dick, you’re going to have to hit him in the majickal underwear to make yourself heard. I doubt that a lawyer’s letter alone would be enough. Use the bishop as a resource.[/QUOTE]

Cease and desist what? Doing chores in their own lawn? Tossing things at their own garbage can and missing? Playing games and flying kites on their own property :eek:

Generally, as far as I am aware it is the motorists and cyclists responsibility to keep others safe when they are public roads and property, not when they are in their own back yard.

I did not say this to be cruel (although I find that to be a bit of an over reaction). I was just mentioning that it really was a foreseeable occurrence and should have been considered when you decided where to build your arena.

Trunandloki… I have always been the neighbor that took the high road and ignored them. I am really sorry you don’t like me calling them Mormons, which is exactly what they are. Should I not call a sheep a sheep!? Yes, of course I am frustrated and angry with their piss poor behavior. Regardless of their behavior… they are still Mormons, I don’t care if they were Cathloic. No, I personally don’t believe in Mormonism and find their practices to be cult like but it doesn’t mean I hate all Mormons and am not religion tolerant. I think you have taken this quite a bit further away from the actual topic than you needed to! Sounds like you have some religious inequality going on in your life. Please take that up with someone else because that has nothing to do with this topic thread. This topic thread has to do with neighbors displaying piss poor behavior and what others may have done to help the situation, they just so happen to be Mormon and never leave the home. Usually Mormons, regardless of what I think of their biblical teachings, seem to be “solid citizens” which is why I was so appalled when all this started happening suddenly. People make a very good point to go politely speak the their bishop, it is a wonderful suggestion actually.[/QUOTE]

Personally, the more you say on this topic, the deeper I think you are digging your hole.

I agree with others that taking the high-non-confrontational road is the best next step. I would put up some sort of screen barrier between my arena and their backyard. I might play music when I ride, but decent music that might drown out their noise.

What if your neighbor starts complaining about a dusty riding ring and says it is flaring their kids asthma and they can’t be outside playing? Would you stop riding? No, but a good neighbor might try to work something out with times to ride, watering, etc.

I do get a little annoyed at the Libertarian “it’s my land and I’ll do as I please” attitude. Yes, it is your land, but you live in a community and as such need to be a member of said community. I also get annoyed with the tit-for-tat behavior. Even if the guy is a total asshat you are an adult and should act accordingly.


My horses live around pot belly pigs, goats, zebu and alpaca; not afraid of those at all. Even cattle, no problem. Trampolines, no problem. My daughter chasing my horses with a power wheels, no problem.[/QUOTE]

You sound like pretty lively neighbors, yourselves. Do you bother these people with all those animals, manure, and noise? Are you Presbyterian by any chance?

Rocking horse, I think the both of you are quite comical trolls going around looking for problems and places you don’t belong to interject your opinion that has no reverence to the situation at hand. Please go take your trolling somewhere else. Remember… It’s your choice to comment on MY tread and be an asshole with no good suggestions. Talk about being an adult, if you don’t agree with something, keep scrolling no one forced your hand to argue!

TBrocks, no we are not affiliated with any organized religion because we don’t believe in the church. Thanks for the trolling though. Continue with the uneducated posts… It’s quite comical! I use to be a California Zoo keeper and yes, I have a lot if VERY well cared for animals and well cared for farm. I find it hilarious that none of you trolls have actually read any of these other posts I have made. Because you sound like major asshats with the issues I have already addressed. I am done with this thread. Thank you to those that actually had intelligent things to say. I never come on COTH because of the asshole trolls and this exactly proved my point. Only a fraction of people with any brains on here but apparently every one knows everything! See ya!

It’s your choice to comment on MY tread and be an asshole with no good suggestions.[/QUOTE]
Suggestions were made. The suggestions were good. Just because you do not like them does not mean they are bad suggestions.

Make sure you let the bishop know you consider his religion “cult-like” before you drag him into your petty neighbor dispute.

wait? help me out here? who’s thread is it? halfmagic3 or halfmagic? And who are the trolls?