Badminton 2025 entries

Entries are posted: Badminton 2025 Accepted Entries

Harry Meade has 5 horses entered/qualified - that’s some accomplishment.

I don’t understand why he has 2 entries listed in the main accepted list, with the other 3 at the bottom, whereas Tim Price has 3 listed in the main accepted list, with a statement that they are double-entered. It appears that they are both going to be allowed 2 horses to run, and only if the entire wait list is allowed in would Harry be allowed to ride a 3rd horse?


Read the very bottom of the accepted entries list.

How many people have five horses qualified at 5*?!!?

I like to watch HM as he is always so balanced when riding xc, whichever horse he is on.


I did read it. Do you interpret it differently than I do?

I wish there were more americans on the list. Has anyone seen entries for Kentucky yet?

Page 8.

I believe Tiana and Grace are both based out of the UK, too. I would have thought with this being a non Olympic or WEG year, we might have more Americans travel. Or maybe it’s the opposite.

As I understand it, Tim will run two horses ie. A or B, and B or C. No third entry, no effect on the wait list so can all be marked * and listed as accepted.
Harry’s other three are also each entered as a third horse so cannot be listed the same way

Or something to that effect :sweat_smile:


I kind of wonder if anyone is going to want to travel to the US for Kentucky at this point.


from his social media, looks like Michael Jung is planning to bring Chipmunk - he posted a video of his wild mane with comments about having a better hairdo before Kentucky lol


Kentucky just closed yesterday 3/25, so I’d guess a public entry list is coming soon. They’re starting the Behind the Barn series very soon too, probably right after the entries are released.

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There is a big international feel to Badminton this year. Eventing has recently had some interesting growth in nations outside the usual strongholds.There are 4 combinations from Belgium which is more than I’ve seen before. The Irish have 11 entered which shows how Ireland is becoming an eventing powerhouse: previously eventing has been a niche interest compared to racing and showjumping. Only 2 French riders, one UK based. 2 of the 3 Americans are UK based and it is good to see Tiana Coudray back at this level: she has been grafting away for many years. There is a German combination, Jerome Robine riding Black Ice, that really caught my eye at Blenheim 4* last year. An interesting competition.


Ryuzo Kitajima for Japan, as well! The Japanese have had good success at Badminton in the past, but we haven’t seen a rider from that country there for a few years - I’m very excited to cheer them on.

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Cross entered at Kentucky: (9)
Jennie Brannigan & FE Lifestyle
Lara De Liedekerke-Meier & Hooney D’Arville
Tom McEwen & Brookfield Quality
Tom McEwen & JL Dublin
Harry Meade & Superstition
Harry Meade & Grafennacht
Harry Meade & Et Hop Du Matz
Joseph Murphy & Calmaro
Tim Price & Falco