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Bal-aid, or other tactile aids

Has anyone ever used bal-aid or any other similar tactile aids for proprioception?
How have you applied them, & what was the result?
Are they worth trying?

I have used a simple chain around the pastern. I use it on her weaker hind. I have never used it very consistently so can’t say whether it works or not but am sure it is probably cheaper :grinning:.

I currently am using Surefoot pads. They have done some pretty amazing things for her feet…opened up her heels and the canyon of a central sulcus has opened up and is filling in. Trimmer commented today that today was most symmetrical her feet have ever been (trimmer has been trimming her for 12 years). They are supposed to help with proprioception too. My horse has been working very well although I haven’t noticed any great improvement in movement but she felt pretty good to begin with. I will keep using them due to the hoof improvement.


A bell boot on one leg does the same thing as a chain, in increasing awareness of a given leg during movement.
Crooked Horse Under Saddle? A Single Bell Boot Can Help – The Horse