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Bald zone horse belly

Do you know what this could be? It s on thé belly of my young horse along thé middle Line and he loves when i scratch it or even touche it. Thank you.



In Florida they get that from kicking/stomping at flies and gnats. They hit their belly with the hind toes.

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Thank you and how Di you treat it?

One of my horses gets a bald spot like this in the summer. I coat it with Desitin diaper rash ointment to keep the flies and gnats off while it heals.

This happens to one of my horses and I coat it with Swat daily.

Daily fly spray the legs and belly, at minimum, to try to prevent.
Once the spot is already bare, I coat it with Nu-Stock every couple of days.


I’d keep the bare area covered with Desitin or Corona. It is usually from bugs.

My question IS, There are no bugs, flies etc over hère, and this since at least 6 months. Could it bé from last year thén?

Gnats are called “no-see-ems” for a reason. They’re teeny. Unless you’re in the frozen north, this is still probably a bug issue.

There’s a chance this is scar tissue from a previous irritation, but that doesn’t generally line up with still being so itchy.

If you really don’t think you have ANY bugs, get the vet out for a skin scraping. But it’s very reasonable to treat this as a bug issue first with topical repellents, barrier cream and or clothing for the horse.

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Fly sheet with belly guard. I also use EquiSpot on mine.

Thank you, which cream would you suggest?

Any of the many already suggested in this thread?


Hé also has his sheath swollen and laying down and trying to scratch his belly on thé straw

Yes i vé Seen really tiny little flies

Yeah sounds like gnats / no-see-ums.

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In addition to any of the ointments or creams that have been suggested you might try mixing in some hydrocortisone cream to help quiet the itch. That could make your horse more comfortable while the bald spot heals. Also, if it itches, your horse could be rubbing it and keeping it irritated. One of my horses does this. He rubs his belly back and forth on the ground to scratch the itch. First time I saw him do that I was horrified–I thought he couldn’t get up. But no, he was just scratching his itchy belly.

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And what about a sweet itch blanket? Does it work? Do you have to leave it on all day long? And does it work when thé horse started allready being itchy?