Barbaro ~ America's Horse

Jingling loudly in New York. Keep the faith!

Still jingling for you Barbaro!! Keep fighting! I’m glad they posted some pictures, he looks like he’s been through a lot (which he has), but right now he still looks bright-eyed. From what I’ve heard and read, the Jacksons won’t let him suffer if it comes to that.

Hoping for the best though!! :slight_smile:

Many thanks, VB, for keeping this site updated. I don’t post much but I check often.

Pawsplus - so sorry you are being so horribly slammed here. In my opinion, you only stated the obvious. And clearly, you are not some horrible person, gleefully wishing for the demise of Bobby. That’s absurd. It seemed to me you were objecting reasonably on behalf of the horse, for the suffering he’s enduring against enormous odds of recovery.

I think Bobby should be euthanized. I think the money the Jacksons have put into his recovery should be set up in matching fund - The Barbaro Memorial Fund - to somehow benefit the thoroughbred industry. Whether helping rescues save OTTB from auction, or working to improve track conditions, or providing adequate health insurance to track workers. Pick one. God knows there are so many horse in need with better prognosis than Barbaro.

I think it’s money better spent than prolonging the suffering of one horse.

Mao, and Pawsplus, and any others so inclined, that was the first post on this thread I started a long time ago.

Please adhear to that, and start a post of your own regarding your thoughts on what should or should not be done, please.

There is no place for that on this thread.

Pawsplus and Mao,

It is absolutely ludicrous to suggest that either of you have enough information about Barbaro’s condition or level of happiness to pronounce a death sentence over him! You are not vets, you are not his owners and would guess you have never laid eyes on him physically in your entire life.

Unless you are omnicient and omnipotent you should back off and take a wait and see position and give his caregivers and owners the benefit of the doubt that they are making the best decisions they can for Bobby.

Every creature be it human or otherwise WANTS to live unless it is in intolerable pain… period.

prayers and jingles to Bobby and all of those who love him.

Thanks, VirginiaBred…

for settling the herd.

Quote from the press release – “It’s a very bad situation right now for the Jacksons. And I want to emphasize that this is hard for us, but it’s much worse for them. I get second-guessed all the time about how we’ve done everything. That’s understandable. That’s the nature of what I do. But the Jacksons are going to be second-guessed because if we quit now, people are going to say that we quit too early. If we quit later, people are going to say we quit too late.”

I can empathize with these poor people. No matter what they do at this point, someone is going to think they did the wrong thing. I keep thinking about next years Kentucky Derby. I want them to air video of Barbaro happy, and doing what his new job is supposed to be. I am definately afraid for him now, knowing that he foundered. The poor boy. It could be anyones horse at this point. Jingles for Barbaro, and jingles for the Jacksons, who are stuck in such a bad spot right now, trying to do the right thing.

Deja vu for me

After two years of fighting, using everything veterinary science has to offer, we had to make the awful decision to euthanize our horse last Fall due to laminitis. Throughout his re-section and many months in a hospital setting, our horse (Bravado) ate heartily, was shiny and bright eyed. We were able to manage his pain, but in the end he had no quality of life. He couldn’t live like a horse. He was a prisoner in a stall, looking out at the world. He couldn’t go out in the pasture, because he would forget his infirmity and try to run and buck and play – then he would be lame for weeks after. We couldn’t hand graze him, because he would buck and play on the line. We couldn’t walk him under saddle, because he had too much energy and heart. He wanted to run. His laminitis recurred every 6 months or so, and he had recurring abcesses in the foot. We tried surgery, special shoes – you name it.

In the end, we loved and respected his spirit too much to selfishly keep him with us. My heart goes out to the Jacksons and the staff at New Bolton. I and my family know what they’re going through. I have confidence that they will make the right decision for Barbaro.

In my opinion, he couldn’t have a more conscientious and loving “family” caring for him.

thank you VB for the updates.
Jingling for you Bobby, and sending you silent prayers as I look up into this starry night.

How dothey do it?

Time to focus on how successful Nurevey came through: A Look Back: Saving Nureyev ( Nureyev is an amazingly uplifting story. Keep all energy for Barbaro please, lets hope he writes a similar story! :confused: Note hat he, Nureyev. was standing quietly in the paddock, no galloping , jumping or bucking., and yet ,they gallop and jump:yes: [ for us with seeming ease, and,joy. How do they do it?

It’s probably better for his condition(s) that he is on the thin side right now–less weight to support.

Thanks again VB. What would we do without your reports?


My goodness, I found those pictures startling I must admit. He does still seem to have a spark in his eye and obviously likes his treats. I know his owners and his gifted vets are doing everything they can - they have never done wrong by this horse. We can only support them from afar - and we should continue to do so.


I agree completely, and well said!

I pray there is a miracle for all that care so much for Barbaro. I hope we will remember though, if everyone’s love is not enough…he will go to a place where he can run fast again.

Tradewind- I know all to well this hole in your heart that can never be replaced. I lost my 7 year old mare to founder a year and a half ago. She had a reaction to a joint injection and foundered in three feet, she sunk and rotated. For 5 months I took care of her night and day. It was a labor of love that consumed my entire life. At one point , despite how severe she was , she actually began to improve. She was a fighter and I was never going to stop giving her the chance to live as long as I knew she had the will to live. She let me know when it was time and I only had to look in her eyes, which changed , to have to make the hardest decision I have ever been faced with. She simply could not stand up any longer, we had to roll her over on her stronger side to get her up. The night before she left my life she lay her head on my lap and reached her face up to mine and I will never, ever forget how the look in her eye changed as I whispered in her ear how much I loved her. After 5 months of caring for her and watching by beautiful strong mare become so frail and so very weak nearly broke me but I never gave up until she told me it was time. Nobody can pass judgement on what we do or don’t do until they have walked in the shoes of those of us that have faced such tragic circumstances. I also nearly lost my other mare many years ago to a infection in her tendon sheath, she did make it despite her enourmous odds. I have shed many a tear over Barabaro, I do not know this horse personally at all but he has touched our lives. I know the agony and pain, the ups and downs, the great joy when there is some progress and the feeling of utter devastation when things take a turn for the worse. God Bless all those involved in the care of this beautiful animal and the owners and trainers. I pray Barbaro will make it and I also pray for everyone involved in the tough decisions that may need to be made in the days or weeks ahead if things do not improve as I know about this all to well and will always carry around this hole in my heart.

I think we can’t help but notice the stark contrast to so many OTTBs that are not as fortunate as Barbaro to have such caring owners and for the crime of being too slow or a minor injury they are sold for the 30 pieces of silver, betrayed. I too have mixed emotions having had 2 rescued OTTBs at my farm recently and MAO you are now neighbors to Phil another OTTB that was a stakes winner and was dumped. He’s eating blue grass now but he came so close to eating dirt. This is one of the sweetest horses I’ve met, he fell asleep in my arms. He didn’t deserve that fate either so we are talking about a ridiculous unfairness. Though if it were my horse and I could afford to go all out I still would. So there ya go. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford it and if it were my horse I would kiss him and hug him one more time and say good bye with many tears.

I see the perfectly wonderful and sound horses, OTTBs and others dumped too often. Before you get mad at people pointing that out please keep that in mind and dig into your pockets to help them too. I did.

Have to add, people are sending gifts to Barbaro, please send a donation in his name to a great rescue instead to honor Barbaro and other racehorses. Then send a note that you donated in Barbaro’s name to New Bolton for the Jacksons.

Help them:

I apologize for being part of the argumentative group. I’ve said my piece, but respect the spirit of the thread.

Jinging and praying like mad for Bobby and all the humans involved from Southern Colorado

[B]Team Barbaro:

Light a candle for Barbaro. If we all focus on this horse, we can get will him through this.

I love that horse- and VB- there is no way I can express my gratitude for all your updates- taking your time to keep us informed.
I join you in prayers and the lighting of candles- because there is nothing more that I want in the world then to see this amazing horse make a recovery. I am calling forth all those thoughts I had as a kid, that just thinking about him can make this go away for him. I agree, he does not look like he is in pain, and knowing the NB people, they are so horse oriented and they know they are all being closely watched. I love NB, and am glad he is there. Esp now, with the world seeming to crumble around us and all the horrible world events, Barbaro represents hope and light…

Go Barbaro- you are very loved…

I agree- we need to focus our healing energies- and we can help raise him up, and beyond this awful moment in his life.

Barbaro, there is not a cell in your body that is not that of a champion. We KNOW that the odds you face right now were NEVER on the board, when you had the opportunity to show who you ARE.

Don’t give up- you’ve never given up- and no one will give up one you. Bless your “home TEAM Barbaro”- the Jacksons, Michael Matz’s amazing crew, Dean Richardson, the wizard of NBC, and all of the willing hands and hearts at NBC.

WE here- near and far- will be thinking good thoughts, praying, and wishing for the moment when we see you walk free of your confines, and be a real horse again.

Until then, TEAM BARBARO here at COTH is holding you near to our hearts!