Barbaro ~ America's Horse

VB - thanks again for all the updates, links, information, etc. Your selfless dedication in providing and giving us insight regarding Barbaro and all that is going on is amazing. Thank you! Go Barbaro!!!
home to welsh & crossbred ponies

i would like a few bracelets, too. to go with my hat and tee and a few friends : )

Just another post to show the world how I feel about this horse. Bobby you are a champion in the sport of kings. The world follows your recovery with bated breath. Keep up your struggle and we will keep the faith.

Light those candles! I light one when mine go out!:sadsmile:

Thanks VB for your vigilence in keeping us apprised of Bobby’s condition. I agree that the 2 weeks since the L word are a milestone and I only wish horse hooves grew faster!:sadsmile:

Thanks to Tim & Alex!

Update 329: New Bolton’s press release (received an e-mail of the release, will add link later):
PA ­ Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro continues to be stable after another comfortable night according to Chief of Surgery Dean Richardson. His right hind leg cast was changed late Wednesday. “We took new radiographs, and they look good,” said Dr. Richardson. “No problems were evident.” In addition, the modified foot cast on Barbaro’s left hind foot, which has laminitis, is changed daily so the foot can be treated and watched for signs of infection.

“Barbaro has a strong appetite, and he has been enjoying hand-picked grass and ‘healthy snacks’ daily,” said Dr. Richardson.

Barbaro remains in the Intensive Care Unit of the University of Pennsylvania’s George D. Widener Hospital.[/I]
The next update will be posted on Tuesday, August 1, unless there is a significant change in Barbaro’s condition.

Update 328: The Thoroughbredtimes has a very encouraging article: Encouraging sign: Barbaro’s hoof regrowing. The following are a couple of excerpts, but PLEASE read it all:

Although he described Barbaro’s overall condition as “very guarded,” Richardson was more upbeat on Thursday night than he has been in weeks.

We change the bandage on his left hind every day now and it’s improving regularly,” Richardson said. “It looks like he’s starting to grow at the coronary band again. It’s where the hoof grows down from. It’s where he’s going to have to grow a new hoof, so that was nice to see.”

The article also notes progress in his right hind:

“Where the new plates were put on it actually looks very good. There were no signs of infection,” Richardson said. "I was pretty happy with how the leg looked as well as how the X-rays looked, so he was put back in a fresh cast on his right hind.

GREAT news…thanks for all the updates VB…they are appreciated more than you know…well maybe you do…but thanks again anyway…

Fabulous! I was just over at TW’s site, and they seem to have done something with their updates: Appear on the screen briefly and then disappear! Took me a couple of tries to get through everything! Any idea what’s going on???

Encouraging sign: Barbaro’s hoof regrowing
Posted: 7/28/2006 11:17:42 AM

The condition of injured Kentucky Derby (G1) winner Barbaro’s left hind hoof, stricken with severe laminitis, is steadily improving and has begun to regrow, said Dean Richardson, D.V.M., chief of surgery at the George D. Widener Hospital for Large Animals at the University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center.
Although he described Barbaro’s overall condition as “very guarded,” Richardson was more upbeat on Thursday night than he has been in weeks."
“We change the bandage on his left hind every day now and it’s improving regularly,” Richardson said. “It looks like he’s starting to grow at the coronary band again. It’s where the hoof grows down from. It’s where he’s going to have to grow a new hoof, so that was nice to see.”
Richardson also had good news about Barbaro’s surgically repaired right hind leg, which he examined on Thursday.
“Where the new plates were put on it actually looks very good. There were no signs of infection,” Richardson said. "I was pretty happy with how the leg looked as well as how the X-rays looked, so he was put back in a fresh cast on his right hind.
“If you were to look at him, he looks like a happy horse. He’s eating well and he looks bright,” Richardson said. “He’s lost a lot of condition, but that’s expected. You can’t put a horse on bed rest for two-plus months and expect him not to lose a lot of muscle, so he has lost a lot of muscle.”
Dealing with two problematic legs instead of one has made the recovery process more difficult, but Richardson said the mood around Barbaro is much more optimistic than it was two weeks ago when the laminitis struck.
“His prognosis remains very guarded, but we’re not even remotely considering quitting on him right now,” Richardson said. “The horse looks too good. No one is thinking about quitting on this horse now.”
Pete Denk

Wow, what great news. Apparently Team Barbaro and the rest of the world is having an effect!

Go Bobby Go!

I don’t know about you, but I cried reading the update.


Lordy…me too…I’m sobbing with joy and relief. Gosh what great news going into the weekend. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for these updates…he’s like a member of my family now (as are all of you who have been posting here). I just can’t quit weeping…the prayers and candles and love truly work.

What a shame the same powers can’t come together to stop all the world violence…ok - no politics.


I believe all things are possible and thank God for Barbaro’s healing. :yes:

Thank god for miracles, someone has heard our prayers!!! All I can do is cry… The tears of happiness are always welcome…And Barbaro turns for home…at whatever farm he retires to…That’s my hope…
If he goes to 3 Chimmney it is a really nice place was there two years ago. Fairly new but still gorgeous Ky bluegrass…

Crying right with you VirginiaBred. What glorious news – no, he isn’t out of the woods, but this is very encouraging and each good day for Bobby is another day closer to recovery. I am just thrilled with the spirit in this horse. He is a true fighter and there is no doubt in my mind, he would have taken the Triple Crown. What a remarkable horse.

VirginiaBred, again thank you for posting all the updates and thanks to the rest of the Barbaro Team for their input for you. It is also great to hear from the Kennett Florist from their deliveries to NBC. It means a lot to those of that check the boards each day.

MIdeafrider - welcome to the group and I for one am thrilled that you are here. You are no different that the rest of us horse lovers. :slight_smile:

Thank you SO much, VB, for posting this article.


From what I understand from a source close to the Jacksons, no decision had been made on where to stand Barbaro at the end of his racing career.

I could be mistaken, but that’s what I was told shortly after the Preakness.

great news!! VB, you are the best for keeping us so well informed. thanks so much!

adamsmom, you could be right, but I had read it after his surgery that he would stand at Three Chimneys, where Dynaformer stands.

What a fighter…

that boy is! With the same heart and drive that he raced with!!!
Bobby~! Your one of a kind!!! :smiley:

Just in from Alex/Tim~

Update 320: I am expanding the ‘contact us’ page to include any organization important to Barbaro’s recovery. If you would like contact information added, please include it in the comments and I will make the appropriate additions.
Racing tomorrow (saturday) looks exciting. Red Aspen is in at Philadelphia Park (3:50 pm), Sweet Talker (Graham Motion) is racing in the Diana and the three year olds continue in the Jim Dandy. The latter two races are from Saratoga and will be televised on ESPN. If anyone is at the races, feel free to provide a report in the comments so we can all enjoy!

What great news!!! I am once again sitting at my desk all teary eyed. I am so happy to hear that things look good - or as good or slightly better than can be expected. Hopefully that will continue!!! Must go light another candle for our boy.