Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Reminds me of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

I am imagining how Lauren would fare locked in a bare room with nothing but a blanket for two weeks. Actually that might help her with various addictions.


I’ll freely admit I spend too much time on social media.

I have serious health issues and I’m very much limited in my activities.

It sucks.


He is handsome! Congratulations @eggbutt.

His expression at the moment this picture was taken seems to say, “I was fine where I was—why am I here now? This was not my idea!”


Oof, you seem really upset. It seems as though the K klan came here to achieve a specific goal but failed to achieve that goal and are unhappy with the narrative. Interesting that it lines right up with when MB is being transferred. I’d imagine the victim was notified of that. Anywho, it’s pretty ironic that you are upset by all the alleged “bashing” going on here by the illegal COTH mob so you choose to jump in and do the exact same. But hey, you do you.

There is also this cool thing where you work through out the day and make comments during down time or when waiting. Yesterday I trained horses from about 11am - 10 pm. :woozy_face: Enjoying this weather before it gets relentless. I also did my daily volunteering in the AM with my nonprofit organization, had a really good lunch with fresh produce I picked up from the farmers market the day before (I love summer), did the usual farm chores while horses cooled down or ate, took care of 5 cute but rambunctious dogs as well as the mother cluckers (my chickens) and worked on the house a bit when I came inside. Today I’m going to work on moving gravel and rock on the property for a project we are working on; we are creating French drains and burying some drainage pipes to improve the way the rainfalls around our house. Not a typical 9-5 but certainly a full life that I really enjoy.


I have a close family member that has been inpatient several times at different hospitals. I think MB is going to be much happier in the psych facility. They do have mattresses, each of the 4 hospitals my family member went to had a separate bathroom off the patient’s room which is more private than a jail cell and usually have nice hot showers and foam doors they can close for privacy. The food is often surprisingly good and in greater quantity. They offer snacks through out the day because people need to eat with their medications. He may not have a pillow but not so bad on an actual mattress with better blankets and cooling/heating systems in the hospital. The patients are also given a lot of things to do to preoccupy their time such as puzzles, arts and crafts, outside time, etc. That just does not exist in jail. I truly think MB is going to be much happier and will get the help he needs.


I think there’s a subtext in all the posting from the Kanareks and their alters/supports, and that’s that the “bashing”; ie reporting on LK and RG’s actual behavior, actual SM posting and sworn testimony, somehow is the CAUSE of the behavior, not a reaction to the behavior.

For example:

COTH poster: Here’s an example of LK being horrible to someone.
Kanareks: But you’re being horrible to her posting that. That’s just as bad! SM bullying is awful and it’s awful to read this stuff. (With absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever.)

It’s not bad when Lauren does it because you all repeat it when you call her out on it.

Part of this subtext is how awful the threads on COTH are, and they’ve going on for years, and that has somehow influenced public perception of Lauren.

That doesn’t hold up. The great thing about all the comments on YouTube is that the people watching the YouTube coverage of the trial are mostly NOT horse people and have never heard of COTH.

They arrived at their similar opinion of Lauren and Rob just by watching the testimony and reading Lauren’s posts in the comments.

So for the last time: It’s Lauren’s actions and behavior that have caused her to viewed as an unhinged, vengeful lunatic, not anyone on COTH’s pointing out that she’s an unhinged, vengeful lunatic.

Maybe bookmark this post and re-quote it anytime one of the sock puppets claims it’s all our fault because we’re mean to Lauren on the internet.


You can if you want to start paying them their hourly fee from the first consultation, and keep on paying until the case is over, even if you lose.

Most lawyers start at $500/hr at least where I live. No lawyer that I know will take a case on a non-contingency basis because the client is not inclined to pay if they lose.

Somehow I think you already knew this answer.


Except for personal injury lawyers. But they just do personal injury and then snatch up 33% if they win and the money goes to them FIRST and they send the client a check for the balance.


in some cases up to 40%. Plus expenses, including investigators, depositions, transcriptions, travel costs, expert witnesses, etc…. Often there’s not much left.


If the injured person had medical bills that insurance covered doesn’t the insurance company get second dibs? personal property also?


My brother did a few PI cases back in the day. One kid took his $20,000 check straight from our office downstairs to the bank, cashed it, put the money in his shoe and rode off on his bike (which was where he got injured in the first place). We did all try to talk him
Into opening an account and depositing it.

Brother eventually settled on Immigration cases. You have to practically have a factory of consulting doctors, investigators, etc. to run a successful PI practice.


I’m a speaker of American English, and “shall” is not used at all, unless to affect Britishness. Perhaps you are saying that American English is not legitimate; all English is British English and we Americans just doing wrong. How very imperialistic of you!

I would have loved to learn the distinction between “shall” and “will” in British English. I suspect you don’t know the distinction, either.

How about “whilst”? Is that anything different from just being the British version of “while”?

I didn’t lie and am not backpedaling. I am, however, writing a bit more defensively to guard against your clever word play. Clever, clever, clever!

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I have been reading them closely since mid fall-2021 through the trial. Somewhat less closely since the trial.

I use “shall” all the time.


MacArthur used it quite famously.


What in the world?

You alright over there?


So do lawyers. And the law.


Oof, you completely missed the part where what I said is EXACTLY what DownYonder said about LK’s mother, but I directed to others here. Did DownYonder seem really upset too?

The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness on display here is laughably pathetic.

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The irony. It burns.


My understanding, and this may be archaic, is that '“shall” means “might” (i.e., maybe, perhaps) and “will” means, well, “will.”