Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

What’s with the mirror obsession with you people?

It’s amazing you don’t realize how truly terrible LK looks in all of this. To the world.

Got a mirror for THAT?


I really appreciate you quoting certain posts and keeping things honest. :slightly_smiling_face:


Your daughter IS the hornet’s nest


michael is the hornets nest and has been for years. Some of his ex students/workers told me they were bullied, manipulated, threatened, etc by him on numerous occasions. Someone told me that they felt bad for Lauren and wish she had warned us. She said that she herself felt lucky to get out of there alive. Lauren has her faults… but Michael TRIED TO KILL SOMEONE WITH A DEADLY WEAPON!!!

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I’m not “trying to divert” attention to MHG. I think MB was horribly stressed by threats that MHG would leave him if he did not “get rid” of LK, while he was reluctant to evict her and lose the income. If MHG was threatening to dump him, I can imagine horrible regret at leaving his wife for MHG.

I most certainly don’t believe 100% of the blame for MBs mental breakdown rests with LK!

Why do you imagine you “have a vote” on whether LK gets suspended? (Suspended from USEF?)

Is that what the ongoing purpose of this thread is? To try to influence the outcome of the MHG/MB complaint to USEF?

Cross posting this from the other thread because I can’t keep track of where the Kanarek apologists are:

McGurkFollower of Johann Adam Weishaupt


"I think there’s a subtext in all the posting from the Kanareks and their alters/supports, and that’s that the ‘bashing’; ie reporting on LK and RG’s actual behavior, actual SM posting and sworn testimony, somehow is the CAUSE of the behavior, not a reaction to the behavior.

For example:

COTH poster: Here’s an example of LK being horrible to someone.
Kanareks: But you’re being horrible to her posting that. That’s just as bad! SM bullying is awful and it’s awful to read this stuff. (With absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever.)

It’s not bad when Lauren does it because you all repeat it when you call her out on it.

Part of this subtext is how awful the threads on COTH are, and they’ve going on for years, and that has somehow influenced public perception of Lauren.

That doesn’t hold up. The great thing about all the comments on YouTube (ETA: and Law & Crime) is that the people watching the YouTube coverage of the trial are mostly NOT horse people and have never heard of COTH.

They arrived at their similar opinion of Lauren and Rob just by watching the testimony and reading Lauren’s posts in the comments.

So for the last time: It’s Lauren’s actions and behavior that have caused her to viewed as an unhinged, vengeful lunatic, not anyone on COTH’s pointing out that she’s an unhinged, vengeful lunatic.

Maybe bookmark this post and re-quote it anytime one of the sock puppets claims it’s all our fault because we’re mean to Lauren on the internet."


And he’s paying the price for his actions. Just as Lauren is paying the price for hers.


This speech pattern sounds like TFG and his “people are saying” tropes.


Everyone pays the price for bad behavior.

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“I’m afraid of a 6’3 man that is threatening me”

But I refused to leave.

“MB was crazy before I ever stepped into the picture”

But I refused to leave.

“MB’s interpersonal relationships indicate poor character”

But I refused to leave.

“I have proof of my murder plot via recordings”

But I refused to leave.

Yea, good luck with that in the civil trial.


Some people have higher balances due than others, though, I guess.


MICHAEL BARISONE TRIED TO KILL TWO PEOPLE WITH A DEADLY WEAPON. Posting stupid crap on social media can be bad… but not even close to putting someone in a hospital coding twice using a gun.

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And was acquitted of all charges. :slightly_smiling_face:


Lauren was in way over her head. She had a horse that Michael told her to bring over from Europe shortly before this happened in addition to the one she bought from him and the 2 or 3 she already had… She did not know what to do to move all of those animals. No one on this forum wants to put their horses just anywhere. It is NOT EASY and you all know that.

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Nope, that is NOT what the court found to be true


YES it is Rhythm… they found that he tried to kill Lauren but he was not criminally charged because he was deemed insane.

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I keep thinking about this line. Who got bit when going in for the inspectors?

I wonder how the “Let Ruth Do It” recording relates to the whole time line of inspectors making someone else go into the house to post whatever had to be posted?

Thank you!
I just figure that this family has a history of removing/editing and then insisting that was never said. Might as well just quote them all.
Bonus that it makes it easy to go back and find a comment when you (me) want to reference it.

Great post @Warmblood1.
I think you need to add - And I paid to be the center of his world. Because isn’t that what we were told here by her mother?



The court found no truth to the charges for RG so that’s only 1 person


That is why he is sitting in Ann Klein institution without a pillow, book, pen, pencil… until they can determine that he will not hurt any of the other guests of the state facility while under their watch… This is maximum security.


If he didn’t do someone very very bad he would be at home.

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