Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Haha….see, told you all there were eyes watching.


Clearly you are unaware that not ALL the police present needed to attend to LK, and certainly not after she was airlift…Errr… taken by ambulance to the hospital. :roll_eyes:

How odd you think police work can only be undertaken during such a limited time period. :thinking:

I’m not sure how her medical situation at the hospital effected police investigative procedures or their ability to collect ample, sufficient evidence. You must not have the same desire for rigorous investigation like some of us. Weird.


Hmmm….I seems to recall a lot of police testimony about what, 40 - 50 people on scene to collect evidence, many arriving after LK had already left the scene……and that they were there for hours….

I’d be furious at the police if they left my bleeding out kid on the patio for that long……


Perhaps you need to read or reread the New Jersey Court Model Criminal Jury Charges (post 183). NGRI requires the jury to find actus reus, the commission of a guilty act but not menus rea, the presence of a guilty mind. If the defense had not successful proved insanity, the defendant would have been found guilty by the jury, as they were instructed by the judge to decide if the defendant was not guilty, before deciding on the guilty or NGRI.

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I have a little different perspective than most of you who were not involved . After all, you did not see your child in a coma, near death, split open with her vital organs exposed. How could I possibly expect you to see things my way. Neither do I take pleasure in relentlessly bashing a family in distress. If I knew someone who experienced this situation, I would try, as a human being, to demonstrate some empathy instead of doubling up on beating beating and beating. Talk about WHO DOES THAT?



Your cover’s been blown, you might as well come out and try to rescue CH from her mess too. It’s why you and @Seeker1 are here after all, to fix the mess your kids create.


:thinking:. Now that’s ironic…

What about business owners subjected to harassment, threats, and nonsense by a customer to the point they are driven mad?


So….what goof up did CH make to bring out the deflect squad? Anyone care to guess?



Not a bot.

Just not interested in wasting time on the specifics of ridiculous posts that are completely inaccurate and fabricated out of imaginary movies in someone’s head.


Perhaps you need to reread Kohl as @ekat has posted umpteen times.


I expressed empathy in the original thread, as did many others. In return, I got threatening, nasty PM’s from LaLaPopRider.


Yeah and I wouldn’t try to :ox: :poop: a person by threatening to place a lien on their farm and home because I didn’t like their post so there’s that.

I used to have empathy for your family but I don’t anymore.

Remember that in life you reap what you sow.

But sadly certain individuals never do seem to learn that lesson.

And as for being cut open, so was I. But mine was the result of saving people. Not defrauding them.


They legitimately let people into what I am assuming is the OR when they’re cutting someone open? And you can see their internal organs exposed? That seems odd, but then again, I just haven’t has that experience (thankfully). Not discounting anyone’s actual experience, just struck me as odd. Odd doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen though :woman_shrugging:

Also, if you don’t want to be “bashed” for your actions and/or words, then don’t do those actions and/or say those words. It’s simple. If people are saying things that are untrue, that’s one thing. Just because the truth may be ugly and people are talking about it, doesn’t make it bashing. However, some people do go a little into the deep end re speculation at times, I will say that.


Unfortunately there are many highly sadistic people out there who DELIGHT in the misfortunes of victims in a crime especially if they perceived they have been slighted by said victim. It makes me sad that some people can only experience pleasure by hurting others. Relentlessly beating a person who was shot and almost died speaks much more loudly about the the beaters than the beatees. I will pray for the best outcome for all of us, including those of you who cannot help but enjoy cruel and heinous bashing of people already deeply hurt. I have accepted that demonstrating kindness, empathy, understanding, love may not be in your wheelhouse in this situation. I pray for all of you, Michael, my daughter, MHG, Justin, Ruth and all involved get the help they need to be the best version of themselves they can be. I for one will try to find happiness in helping others rather than bashing. I recognize and accept that cannot make anyone follow this path, but I do highly recommend it again. Good luck to everyone.


If you taped someone plotting your murder you might get a little nasty.


You sound like you are trying really hard to convince yourself that you and your family are something y’all are not…


I don’t have to convince anyone of anything. I know who I am. I also don’t have to bash others to feel good about myself.


I don’t believe that happened but thanks for the admission of a criminal act.


We are waiting. What is the hesitation? They all legal……or so y’all say.


I literally got a nasty PM for saying something in LK’s favor and commenting that we should back off the MB/LK stuff in the SS thread in H/J. It was odd, to say the least. It was like a deliberate misunderstanding of sorts? I don’t know. I cannot even explain it :exploding_head: