Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

I transcribed the tapes myself.

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You are an irrational person who will only believe what you want to believe
 I accept that and pray for you.


Kirby Kanarek signing off. MSG me if you want to talk. Please bravely use your real name.

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Still trying to push that ridiculous narrative we see. If I were her mother I would be having a fit the police department failed primary police investigative processes to be sure “someone” was held accountable. Zero forensics and impeached prosecution star witnesses cost the state this verdict. Get over it.

Why aren’t you chastising your lovely daughter still threatening others on public chat rooms? Your constant deflection and enabling of this woman is irresponsible at least.

And, why do so many of the Kanareks, by any name, care what is said on this forum? :thinking: Maybe IM can explain to you why so many of us were right about the criminal trial and they were flat wrong. Bombshell? Uh-huh.

Kirby, you will get little sympathy here.


Me: dies from overdose of irony


“Unfortunately there are many highly sadistic people out there who DELIGHT in the misfortunes of victims in a crime especially if they perceived they have been slighted by said victim. It makes me sad that some people can only experience pleasure by hurting others.”
^^ The above sure sounds like LK & RGs actions towards MB


No, by pleading NGRI, the original jury could give him NG, NGRI, or G.

I said that having plead NGRI, he could not at this point appeal and try to get NG on the two charges for which the verdict was NGRI.


Have read it. Have you read the charging instructions to the jury and/or the New Jersey Court Directive #21-20 Criminal - Procedures for Defendants Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
(NGRI) and other Commitments Resulting from Criminal Proceedings? Post 216.

Barisone did do the commission of a guilty act, actus reus, but was also found to be insane at the time of the actus reus, thus no menus rea. If his jury believed he didn’t do the commission of a guilty act, he would have been found not guilty.

IMHO, I agree with the jury’s verdict. I hope he gets the mental health help and tools to prevent any further breaks with reality.


Nice try.

Your statement was wrong.

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He WAS found Not Guilty. NGI is not guilty due there not being the elements needed to define it as a crime.


You do realize that this discussion had absolutely nothing to do directly with your child?

This discussion, especially lately, has revolved around the semantics of the the verdict and what this means for MB. It tangentially has to do with whether the case was proved by the state due to questionable crime scene work. Which of course you love because the crappy crime scene work allowed for your child and her boyfriend?/fiancee?/whatever he is this week to be the sole story tellers as it was nearly impossible to create a narrative at all based on the police work at the scene.

Crime scene evidence collection takes hours, well after primary victims have been transported. But it does not excuse the initial officers ignoring some very basic police procedures, regardless of the status of the shooting victim. You may be grateful for these issues, as proper crime scene work very well may have shown that this wasn’t the cold blooded attempted murder that you still insist that it was.

Can’t stand to have your child not be the center of every discussion?


NGRI is not NG. Why is he still in custody? Why is he not a free man?


He was mad long before my daughter came along. This was mentioned numerous times during the trial. Dont you think that having your wife and your girlfriend living at the same barn could drive someone totally nuts. Think again.


Would you be willing to post that transcription here? I’m curious if it’s been misinterpreted by either side.


Clearly you were unable to comprehend the nuances of the trial and testimony. I do not however feel the need to educate someone who is clearly biased by family loyalty. You only see what you wish to see.


You do realize that the police could have gathered evidence after your daughter was taken care of by the medics, right?

I am sorry you had to see your daughter like that.
Maybe you should talk to her about her willingness to ruin another person to the point where they snap? That talk might save her from ever going thru something similar in the future.

I am starting to think that Seeker’s only point is to write things about her daughter and pretend she is telling us it is us.

If this existed why is it that it did not some how get used during the trial?

Have you had this discussion with your daughter? Maybe suggest that way of life for her?


THIS IS THE MOST HYPOCRITICAL POST I’VE EVER READ! Kirby, it is YOUR angelic daughter still bashing people online. How about you practice what you preach with Lauren? Did you enjoy that lovely photo your daughter posted of her and her sister giving the finger and laughing on one of the holiest days of the Christian calendar? Just stop Kirby. You know as well as I do the civil trials are going to pull the scab off the public image you so cherish. Take care of your own family and don’t concern yourself with complete strangers.


FINISH THE BASTARD. Chastise your husband, daughter and her sidekick about their plans to ruin a man so Lauren could have some fun! Why is she banned from your home if she is such a lovely person?


And yet no tape was presented at the trial.
Again, weird.
Its like the claims made are borne out by facts.


Riddle me this