Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

You are assuming anyone here wants to read more of your sad denials of what is right before your eyes. How comforting to know YOU transcribed the tapes. Now we know why there are discrepancies! Do you by chance have that pesky video recording of the incident that suddenly and mysteriously disappeared?


Uh huh

.how many of us have been threatened with lawsuits


I was at the trial myself every single day all day. You were not. I talked to my daughter frequently during the time this happened. You did not. I know what all of Lauren’s problems, strengths, weakness are. You do not. I have always encouraged her to do the right thing, much like I am to you now. She did not always listen much like you are not listening now. . You have no idea of my biases or lack of. I feel for all parties. Michael almost killed my daughter. YOU CANNOT SHOOT SOMEONE BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO and your girlfriend doesn’t agree with your business decisions. I feel deeply sorry for all involved as I have stated many times.




No, actually it wasnt.
It was noted he was depressed at points in his life for which he sought counseling. Sounds smart to me.

But if you claim it was so well known he was mad prior to this, why was your family so desperate for your daughter and her boyfriend and her menagerie stay there?

See? Weird.


I thought you were “signing off”!

If Michael was “mad long before any of this”, why was your daughter even there? With a “madman”?

If Michael was “mad long before any of this” why was his business successful with dozens of high level friends and associates? Seems that most of the expert testimony (well, except for the one who thinks Lauren is clever and creative) indicated Michael had been working on and handling his issues all his life, long before your daughter and husband decided to Finish the Bastard!


I am not seeking anything from you EGGBUTT except to wish you find happiness in any pursuit that will provide you genuine pleasure instead of the sick and perverted pursuit of happiness through being sadistic. Talk about “WHO DOES THIS?”
Also to presume that you know what you WOULD do is ridiculous. You have no idea what you would do in this situation.
Prayers to you and your family who I assume is perfect.


As little as you think of all of us, do you really think we, the people your daughter has threatened, most of us for very trivial things, should be sending our real names to anyone via PM?

You are not a dumb woman, so honestly, why would anyone be willing to do that?

Edit to fix have to has.


Lol, cause seeker1 is your real name?



are you saying that’s why your daughter bashes others, to feel good about herself?
Why do you think that is? Her history of substance abuse?


Your family. What you all did to Michael Barisone is reprehensible.


And your daughter and whatever he is today almost killed Michael Barisone! I have no doubt Goodwin was killing him when Heymer arrived. You will never consider the ugly possibility that your daughter, a dog, and some so-called US Marine attacked and beat a man almost to death. Yes indeed, Lauren Kanarek was shot. The circumstances leading up to that shooting will ALWAYS be a mystery because of your beloved police department.


Trubandloki, If there is something going on and I can help you, please PM me without your real name. I will look at all times to do the right thing by you and help you despite the bad things said. You must be terribly hurt and upset to keep going about this. How can I help you? I have no ulterior motives to find you. I harbor no hate toward anyone. I learned years ago that hate only degrades me. Tell me the situation without revealing yourself. All who know me know that I speak the truth. I have absolutely no reason to hurt anyone. I want to make everyone feel happier which in turn will make me feel happier.


Eggbutt, I fixed it a little by adding the part at the end in italics and bold.


It sounds like no one really knows you or your family.

I am sorry that your daughter and your husband have worked hard to make your cards come crashing down like this.


You don’t even know what was done to Michael or my family. ASB_Stars. Most of what happened to Michael was done to himself. You know none of the people involved personally and are not involved with any of them. You are doing this because this is a sick way of making you feel good about yourself. I assure you you will feel happier if you find other ways to feel good about yourself.


Thank you for showing some empathy here. However, please note that my cards were drawn and played by me. I don’t allow others to have that much power over me.

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Kirby, this is easy to answer. I would have left the split second the relationship began to go south. I wouldn’t dare install illegal surveillance equipment on others’ property. I wouldn’t threaten, harass, parade around the property as a ninja, cause CPS to visit the property, and laugh at the entire situation simply because I wanted to have some fun with the mental health of another. You know, of course, this isn’t your daughter’s first rodeo with vile ugliness toward others
the difference this time is things went a bit too far. What will happen next time, Kirby? You know there will be a next time once your daughter selects her next victim. She seems to be escalating again doesn’t she? Is there no help you can get for her long term issues?

