Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

If that is the case, then it would be even sadder and more inappropriate than I originally thought… I hope not.


Those Benadryl martinis are hitting them hard today apparently


So many questions. So few answers.


I can’t speak for eggbutt, but you know where you could start?

Have Lauren admit she intended to completely destroy MB’s livelihood, family, sanity, and life. That she intended to use any means necessary regardless of who got caught in the crossfire. That she didn’t care if the methods she used were legal, illegal, unethical, or immoral.

Then have her apologize to everyone who was at the farm and affected by her mission.

Then have her apologize to everyone she has threatened on this board both on the threads and in messages.

That’s where you can start.


If he were found NG, he would be out. Big difference between NG and NGRI.



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Yes, this!


ere is NO CRIME COMMITTED as I have posted about the elements of actus reus and mens rea

You have quoted part of the Krol doc that states that actus reus has been proven but mens rea hasn’t been. Then you claim NGRI is a case where neither actus reus nor mens rea is provern.You can’t have it both ways. Which is it? I take the quote as the fact. NGRI and krol is to allow the defendant to be treated physically and mentally for the mental condition that caused the insanity at the time of the offense. The defendant is not to be punished for the commission of the guilty act. Treatment is not be used as a punishment. Confinement time is unlimited and determined by the defendant’s doctors and courts.


Hey @Kirby - here’s an honest question for you: are you proud of Jonathan for keeping Lauren in a situation that got her shot? Does that make you both parents of the year?


So does this mean the hospital tried to kill her by giving your daughter too much blood which caused the flatlining? Hmm.


She has identified herself, several times.


We’ve been through this and I’ll repeat in some respects NG due to insanity is better.

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You do understand that none of us believe that ANY recordings that showed a plan to ACTUALLY murder LK/RG exist and if they do, they are 100% illegal recordings. There is no way the prosecution would not have made a huge effort to get them admitted. It would have made their case for first degree attempted murder essentially airtight.

I mean, how many of us have jokingly said, “I could just kill person X” in our lives? Almost everyone. That alone does not make it a murder plot.


That’s not what I said. But you do you.


MB’s supporters and LK’s supporters remind me of the HatfieldMcCoy feud. Neither side likes each other, doesn’t really accept the jury’s verdict that found MB did commission a guilty act, but was insane at the time and are blind to the reality that both MB and LK behaviors are responsible for the tragic outcomes both suffered.


Catching up this afternoon…. WOW. The entire Kanarek family is wacko.


I think the problem lies in misunderstanding the law in NJ.
Most crimes consist of two broad elements: mens rea and actus reus. Mens rea means to have “a guilty mind.” …
Actus reus literally means “guilty act,” …
To constitute criminal behavior, the actus reus and the mens rea must occur simultaneously.

In the MB case the jury found no Mens rea so therefore there was no crime.
The jury does not have to believe or disbelieve the prosecutor.
Hopefully this is clearer than mud DQHubby. :smiley:


I’m only on the side of truth.

As in the verdict determined that in essence there was no crime.


Please, for the sake of clarity, what do you think NGRI means in relation to actus reus and mens rea? How is it different from NG in respect to actus reus and mens rea? How is it different from guilty in respect to actus reus and mens rea? Why did the jury find NGRI but not NG?

See above post by @clipper