Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then



NGRI is better than NG? If he were NG on all charges heā€™d be out if jail by now.


Then I guess the charging instructions to the jury were wrong.

I quoted pretty much everything seeker posted as it was posted. Go back and look at my posts to see if what you want is there.

What? You donā€™t want me to get help? Which clearly can only happen if I send Seeker my real name. No worries about her passing it along to anyone else, she would never do that and why would I not believe this random person on the internet?

None of us were in the room so that answer is not available.
But, I am thinking you know that already, right?

This seems so straight forward, why is it that it keeps having to be repeated?


Letā€™s have the attorneys chime in.

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Yes. But thereā€™s more to this than that. We shall see.

The prosecutor met his burden for attempted murder. MB would have been found Guilty if the defense had not met its burden.

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No. Because no crime was present according to the verdict.


LOL. The same bot for two posters!

In addition there has been past information never refuted that LKā€™s father worked hard to find her a living situation at the farm because she was not allowed to live at her parents house which was close. There has been speculation why that might be. LK recuperated in a hotel room after release from hospital and celebrated the recent long weekend with family in a hotel or restaurant in NYC. Itā€™s quite clear she does not go to the family home at times other folks might.

Perhaps it is not LK banned per se, but rather RG. Or drugs.

Since weā€™ve all been very curious about this perhaps @Seeker1 can explain. Of course Iā€™m sure it will all come out eventually in the civil trial.


LOLOL You so funny! Nope.

What theyā€™re missing is that you can go through that flowchart, get yep, he shot her, keep going, yep, dude was bat turd crazy insane, so NGRI, which results in No Crime Was Committed, dude is Acquitted. And now weā€™re going to figure out if he is presently a danger to himself or others.

People are stopping at NGRI means he committed a crime. He didnā€™t. It means the exact opposite of that.

And while Iā€™m typingā€¦people in the forum are allowed to believe and support the verdict and still be skeptical that the shooting happened anywhere near any of RG or LK or EDā€™s many differing scenarios.

The greatest travesty right now is Michael Barisone is six days out from his 30 day hearing that was supposed to determine his path going forward, and heā€™s still sitting in a county jail in direct opposition to NJ law.


I screenshot what you wrote if thatā€™s OK to use it when Iā€™m asked about this for the 1900th time.


Ask your daughter!


I should do the same, lol. Getting tired of finding ways to spell it out.


I know, right?

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@Seeker1 Do you know someone by the name of Sean McCartney?


Here you go, in all its ugly glory :woman_facepalming:


So @Seeker1, since Lauren has ā€œaccepted some responsibility for her rude comments and expressed remorseā€, when can we be expected to receive apologies for the threats she issued to individuals here?

I was threatened by your daughter repeatedly, and called a liar. It was not appreciated as I did nothing to her.

I am a mother. If my child behaved the way Lauren does, there is absolutely no way I would be here attempting to defend her, while all the while making excuses for her incredibly rotten foul behavior.

Wake up Kirby! You are part of the problem. Go to Al Anon. Find a spine. Instead of calling a spade a spoon, call it a shovel and address the truth. The sickness only spreads like mold unless you call it out truthfully. Based on your posts here today, it is spreading at warp speed in your world! And you and truth are not well aquatinted!


Then explain why the jury did not find MB not guilty if he didnā€™t commit a guilty act? If he did not do anything wrong, then why the NGRI. There are many insane people doing crazy stuff and they donā€™t find themselves being sent to a psychiatric setting unless they did something that was illegal.

Your ā€˜none of us were in the roomā€™ is a cop out answer. What was the legal reasoning behind the NGRI verdict? Why was the jury instructions for NGRI saying that if the prosecution proved beyond a reasonable doubt the defendant did the act and the defense proved insanity the verdict would be NGRI? Still donā€™t have an answer to the charging instructions and how the jury would find that the defendant did not do the guilty act and insane so NGRI. Yes, the defendant can not be held responsible for his guilty act, but he still did do the guilty act. If he didnā€™t do the guilty act he would be not guilty.

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