Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Hmmm… she had stalls waiting elsewhere and moving six horses can be done rather easily for a short distance. Rent a truck and trailer if nothing else. If you have the desire to do it, it can be done. Heck, I could get six horses moved out of here tomorrow by noon…

Maybe LK should invest in a horse trailer of her own.

I do not believe she was terrified. I think she was playing a sad, twisted game by that point… as per her SM posts where she brags about targeting others…


You and I will always disagree about how this event happened.

While she may not have shot someone, she made a darn good effort at destroying several! Finish the Bastard!


In my opinion, these posts are not indicative of a healthy mind.


Sure Kurbsie, whatever you say.


That day…. But didn’t she shoot at someone once before? Or was it just their motorcycle?


No she wasn’t. Your daughter is not scared of anyone but herself.


She is not even scared of herself. She approves greatly of every nasty thing she has done. Just remember- she is playing 3D chess!


With her multiple degrees!


I do have children and I know it is a challenge. A huge challenge.

But, I would start by being crystal clear with your daughter that you will not ever accept her terrorising people online or in person.

I’m sure you’ve read her words to Girl Joey by now. And just in the last day or so you have read her taunting a man because he is confined to a wheelchair. You must feel overwhelming shame when you read those words, as any mother would. Mother to mother I feel for you reading that vulgar language and sexual references and mocking a man in a wheelchair. It is almost beyond comprehension.

You communicate to your daughter that you will not accept that behaviour in your home or among your family members. You tell her how deeply humiliated you are by her words and deeds. You impress upon her that she has and continues to cast shame and infamy over your family and give her a choice to either change her ways or you cut her off. You don’t stop loving her as your daughter, but you stop paying for her idle lifestyle and stop funding her legal vendettas. Without ‘unlimited means’ she will not be able to wreak unlimited havoc in her sphere of influence.

The fact that she has no job or career, no family to care for, nothing that she does that serves anyone but herself, is probably a big contributing factor.

Proverbs 16:27 Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece, literally, “A worthless man devises mischief; and in his lips there is a scorching fire.”

I know, it is hard when we have to stand firm with our children, whether they be 4 or 40.


Just generally speaking here.

I am actually wondering if it is some type of disorder and/or coping mechanism? The only people I’ve known that speak like this continously and regularly are very unstable, and/or have some serious stuff going on in their life/it’s off the rails…usually due to their own actions. However, living life in denial could possibly be a protective mechanism of sorts.

If it helps them cope, then fair enough, but the words just seem to come from such a hollow place. Or is it a “repeat it until it becomed the truth” type of thing. I don’t know, I am not a psychologist.


Well this trip down Main Street in Bizarroland has been fun and all but quite frankly it doesn’t change how dangerous someone like LK is and how utterly unacceptable her behavior is.

And @Seeker1 from what I see here enabling and panning LK off on others is the parental reaction. This much is clear.

And it’s icky.


I don’t think that word means what you think it means - or maybe you’re absolutely right …

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Don’t even consider it. One stated on the stand she lies on social media and the other said tonight she just makes things up.


Funny you should say that. I was just thinking that all this kindly offering to help us, the un-educated and ignorant, sounded like some kind of cult-speak. “Join us. We can make everything better.” Yeah. OK.


I was thinking too many martinis.


Bunch of uneducated, unwashed, under privledged plebs!


Hey, what have martinis ever done to you to take their name in vain!!

:cocktail: :rofl:


Good luck with your surgery. l’ll be sending you good thoughts.:kissing_heart:


Yes, best of luck for an uncomplicated surgery and swift recovery.

FWIW, @Warmblood1, I think Seeker1 confused you and @smoofox and thought she was wishing you well in your surgery and recovery and hoping you’ll be pain free soon.


A question for the ages.

Best of luck with your surgery. I hope recovery goes smoothly and all is well.