Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Sounds like she converted then.

But she references the New Testament and over Easter she was referencing Christ. So maybe she follows both faiths in some fashion?


Or it is Kirby publicly supporting Jonathan and his faith beliefs. One hopes he is supportive of hers.


Not tru

Tru? I assume you mean true and your typing is as bad as mine is.

It is true, you were at the trial. It was said under oath by both sides, including your very own daughter.

Would you like someone to find it on video for you?


Ok im so sure that will be the perfect thing to do.

I am not crazy or drunk. So u can take that off the table now. Sick and tired of nonsense and cruelty maybe but nothing else. And i do want to help each of you. If lauren was as bad u say why not ignore her or go through legal process. I didnt notice anyone else shooting her. Just Michael.

So youā€™ve been reading your daughterā€™s posts on YouTube? Horrible arenā€™t they.


Not being held to task is how this grows and grows until sheā€™s harassed someone to the point they lose it.
There needs to be a zero tolerance level.
But that would be too hard, wouldnā€™t it?

As for being sick and tired of it; log off.
You are choosing to read this stuff and participate.
If you find you canā€™t simply log off, well you need a meeting and a counselor. Luckily you have the means to afford that.


I donā€™t want your help. Not ever. I do not trust you. I do not like your family. Lauren is as bad as I say. That being said I do not want anything from her or you. Iā€™d consider her money tainted.

I cannot ignore her, she threatened to sue me. She and you and your family would love to know who everyone is so you could punish us. So game on.

What I want is justice to prevail and for MB to get the help he needs to return to success again. I want LK to stop being a menace and a bully. Can you give me THAT?


Do you really not think giving her firm boundaries and expectations of behaviour would help?

If not, I guess I have no other ideas to offer. That is how my parents let me know what was expected and acceptable behaviour within our family. Iā€™m telling you, if my mother read the words LK wrote to Girl Joey I would die of the shame of it because I know, and knew from childhood, that she would never accept, support, or condone such behaviour.

I know I would be breaking her heart if I acted to others as LK does. Mocking a man in a wheelchair? I mean, most of us literally cannot conceive of such behaviour. It is among the most un-Christlike behaviour one can imagine.

Maybe a family intervention in which everyone can express how her actions have caused them pain and shame and embarrassment in the family and publicly?


This thread wins the prize for being most convoluted and bizarre. I must be a glutton for punishment to suffer through all these posts.


I am going to address you just this once. I donā€™t know of you are or arenā€™t Kirby Kanarek. Nothing personal, but this is the internet where anyone can be anyone and anything.

I donā€™t care for these ā€œdrunkā€ comments either, so I will say that. As for being sick and tired of nonsense and cruelty, I think you need to look into your own sphere to solve that issue. It would appear that a lot of it happens within your own family. No oneā€™s family is perfect, but the faster you come to grips with the consequences of your own (or your daughters) actions, the closer you get to reality, acceptance, learning, and moving on.

Some of us do ignore Lauren and just follow along here from time to time, others are definitely a bit more into it. However, thatā€™s their choice, their time, and their energy to spend. As for going through legal process, itā€™s entirely possible that someone is sheisty, a bad person or a person that does bad things, but canā€™t be held accountable by the law because what they are doing is not illegal, just morally wrong.

Lauren and Michael both made mistakes leading up to the shooting. There would be far less talk about this if innocent Jane Doe had been shot when turning up for her training one day and her trainer happened to have a psychotic break unrelated to Jane Doe and her actions. However, that is not what happened here. A lot of the uproar is because people want bad eggs to be exposed for what they are and for them to face consequences of their behaviors. Or even just admit to them. Sort of a human nature thing. To calm the uproar, stop giving them something to roar about.

I know youā€™re not going to change anything about your thoughts based off of my post, and I can only imagine what it is like to be a mother in this situation, but your daughters behavior is just outrageous at times. This just shocks a lot of people, and then they talk. If you want to help someone, help her. She really seems to have some issues and unhappiness. If you donā€™t like being ā€œattackedā€ for your actions, you either have to not care/ignore or change your actions.


To all

Ok i have spent way way too much time on this . You can now spend the rest of your time trying to evilly twist everything i have said. Some of you are blessed with that talent.

Please note that i never defend anyones bad behavior including yours and michaels and laurens. Our family does not condone it. I am devastated by what has happened for all parties. It is shameful and humiliating that grown people found that killing someone was the only solution to any problem. How sad.

I still look to find lessons to learn and good in each one of you, lauren, michael mhgā€¦justin. You all are struggling to make sense of it and place blame on lauren because she is not an olympic coach and because she says rude things at times. This makes makes everyone feel better. Same thing happened when oj killed nicole. He had tons of supporters. You are all in good company.

Everyone made mistakes but only one person was slit open like a fish going to market and almost bled out and died. Did she deserve that? NO. But this is the court of the chronicleā€¦many judges many jurors operating without the facts. The facts have even been publicly televised but you make you rulings and wreak havoc only watching bits and pieces.

Some of you are truly nice people and have been misled. Some of you are erroneously relating this incident to traumatic incidents in your own livesā€¦ conclusions are all over the map. One thing is for certainā€¦there were three people there and only one brought a gun down to someones house and only one almost died.

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No one killed anyone. :wink:

Uh and the house was MBs, not Laurens.

You think weā€™ve been misled. By whom?
We all saw LKs comments, her bad behavior, for years.
We saw the facts of the trial. And we feel the jury got it right. Are you saying the jury is misled also? Unaware of all the facts too?


Too hard for what. Life teaches us all lessons. I am not that powerful.

I cant give you anything because i am not powerful enough. Only God can change people. Even you.

You have given Seeker1 excellent advice and I sincerely hope she takes it. I say this from personal experience with a mentally ill adult granddaughter who I tried to help for 10 years not realizing that I was actually enabling her to continue a downhill slide. I was co-signing leases, helping her financially, etc. She continued to lash out at all family members (including some physical attacks), blamed everyone else for any problems she had, and became increasingly paranoid. A family friend/psychiatrist finally told me flat out that I had to stop enabling her and that it would have been better if I had done that 8 or 10 years earlier. So I bit the bullet (so to speak) and cut off all support and contact (after giving her a few months notice to prepare which of course, she didnā€™t, assuming I would not go through with it). This was one of the hardest things I ever did and it caused me great stress. She ended up living in a homeless encampment in the woods for a month or so but finally found a job and a place to live. She still refused to seek medical treatment (psychiatric) which she desperately needed. 6 months ago she moved out of state to stay with a friend and is now getting psychiatric help, is on medications, has a job she loves, has moved into her own apartment and is starting back to college in the fall. She is also trying to mend fences with family members (although I am still wary since I know how smart and manipulative she can be). Kirby - if you read this (overly long and TMI) message, please realize that ā€œtough loveā€ is the only way you can truly help Lauren.


So the judges and juries of chronicle have deemed me responsible for enabling my daughter. Interesting.