Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

You all were busy beavers last night and this morning.

One of many things that I am having a hard time with; in this day and age where the rights of many people, specifically the LBGTQ community and women are at the door step of being destroyed…someone has the unimaginable thought to put in writing who a heterosexual man has the right to date, shack up with, boink, do business with or anything else for that matter.

This blows my mind


When something is so obvious, it’s impossible to not see it.


Lauren is alive. This isn’t difficult.

Girl_Joey’s child is dead and Lauren tormented her for YEARS.


If that is what you got out of that amazing post by @cdalt, I am so very sorry for you. It also makes it very clear why LK looks at the world the way she does.


Angela Well things are not as they seem. But you are the judge and jury on my actions i see. You dont know me and know nothing about me but you freely and cruelly judge. Feel good now? Hope you have now wrapped it in a nice package in your head so you can make sense of it. But what if you are 100% wrong? Please note that .karma is real. What goes around comes around. You may want to think about that before spewing you vile words here.

That’s something you really should think about.

I have 3 offspring about the same age as Lauren and I would hate to see them trashed on line. But more than that I would really really hate to think they acted like your daughter. But if they did I sure wouldn’t be trying to defend them on line.

You seem to have painted yourself into a corner. Stop painting.


I never defen wrong actions. Never.

Oh, but you are! Over and over again.


Well, that would be one reason why someone might want her to leave. And being a man, I can see how MB might be a bit obtuse about it until it got so bad, say a few months later, it couldn’t be ignored.


We have a saying in AA, if they alcoholic/addict is unhappy with you, you’re not enabling them.
It goes for Al Anon too.

And nothing I wrote was vile nor cruel.


Have the civil depositions begun? Something has prompted KK to state her husband and another lawyer did NOT find a new barn for Lauren to go to in 2019. Accusing a witness of lying under oath - and an attorney himself - is serious stuff.


And if he didn’t, why was he calling them to update on an agreement that day? :thinking:


I’m not going to look for the post that quoted the original Robert Burns saying so I’ll repeat it in contemporary English

I wish that god the gift would give us
To see ourselves as others see us


And wasn’t that their very own special bombshell ear witness that said that?


He must be cursing the day he got ensnared by the Kanareks. I doubt he will be happy if he finds out KK is trashing him. Very shortsighted course of action.


Angela, Are you yourself in AA

I had a similar experience with a niece but I cut her out of my life fairly early. The rest of the family figured out the tough love a little bit later than I did but they all avoid her now. She has never sought help, uses her kids to manipulate people and each other (as each of them turned 18 they moved in with their father, with whom we all remain close), and has nothing to do with any of the family. I miss her and grieve for her but will not engage nor enable her ever again.


I’m really impressed with your insane multi quote ability! I’m lucky to quote one post with my phone!


They tormented each other for years.

She has stated many times that she has attended support programs for families of addicts or alcoholic s