Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Lauren bears the burden of blame as GJ isn’t the first and I doubt she is the last person Lauren has harassed. It is her pattern of behavior.

Sean McCarthy commented on Lauren’s behavior in the YouTube comments. So this is nothing new.


ED was hired after LK turned down the barn Mr Tarshis and JK negotiated. He was calling her that day to advise of the new negotiations.

So, two attorneys with active bar licenses, on opposite sides, testified under oath to things that are being denied here.


@Seeker1, you have done nothing but make excuses and attempt to defend your daughter here, which is a mother’s prerogative.

But, you need to realize many of us here have had nothing but negative interactions with your daughter. We have not only had negative experiences here, but have seen what she has done to others on social media.

You are attempting to put the horse back in the barn long, long after it got out, and it ain’t gonna happen.

You will fail with your mission to defend Lauren successfully here. Your best bet, in all honesty, is to ignore COTH altogether.

One more thing to note- this is not a forum of simple, uneducated, uncaring people, who can have the wool pulled over their eyes. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

We are people, mainly women, who handle 1000 lb. plus animals. Many here have various degrees of higher education. Many are mothers. Most of us have been around the block more than once. Most importantly, we recognize a load of bull puckey, when it is being presented to us as filet mignon.

Sadly for you, you will need to sell your bull puckey elsewhere!


not tru

@Angela_Freda - Rob admitted to still using on the stand. Doesn’t that undercut Lauren’s statement of recovery?


Would you like me to post the clips of their testimony?


I am on a computer so it makes it easier.

I struggle on my tablet and I am sure I would not know how to do it at all on phone.

I think it helps to have all the posts quoted and when I can make them happen all in one big post that is just easier all around.

(And heck, do not want to ruin Seekers highest post count in the thread.)

Nothing makes what LK said to this person about their dead child acceptable.

What is not true? That the lawyers did not testify to that? The lawyer that your family hired for that very reason, the lawyer that your family recorded without his knowledge?


Then file complaints to the state bar association because E.D. & Tarshus lying UNDER OATH is a problem.

File the paperwork and get it addressed by the bar. If they are liars there is nothing to be gained by complaining on a horse forum.


I would! But I don’t have a solid silver samovar to keep you in tasty hot beverages.

Cyber bialy? Bagel?


A bialy sounds awesome! :slight_smile:

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Really… thank you for your help Morgan. You are being so helpful to our family. I will be forever grateful.

Spare me your sarcasm and saccharine-soaked insincerity. Prove them liars because in all honestly, I don’t think you, your husband or Lauren can speak the truth on any topic. Ever.


I thought someone said that was scheduled for August? But I won’t swear to it.

spare me your “advice” you know what you are doing and you are enjoying it. Being unusually cruel to another human being is sadistic.



  1. the tendency to derive pleasure, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others:

“beneath the apparent loving concern she had glimpsed spite and sadism”


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You’re so committed to the idea of Karma. But not to the extent it applies to your own, I guess?

It never dawned on you that this situation is karma arriving at your daughters door?

LK demonstrated horrible, vile, cruel behavior towards those already suffering long, long before meeting MB.
MB has not be revealed to be an angry, aggressive, violent person.
That tells me something.


The irony is just too much.


No, I’m not in AA.


The way I understand recovery, yes.


I don’t hide my disdain behind cheap platitudes. Nor do I accuse attorneys who testified as witnesses for my daughter of lying. That is all on you.

I do enjoy highlighting your inconsistencies though. If it stings, blame Lauren. She has provided so much material.



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