Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

You know how they tell you on the airplane to “put your own oxygen mask on first”?
You might want to ponder the implications there.


Hmm. If I am a sadist and Seeker1 keeps responding to me in particular, that indicates Seeker1 is a masochist. Naturally, she could use the ignore function if it really didn’t give her pleasure to engage.


Wouldn’t be the first person to be doing so…,


Lauren didn’t call CPS. Safe Sport did that. Lauren was PAYING to be the center of Michael’s attention. MHG was apparently sleeping with Michael to be the center of his attention. Michael apparently needed cash as he had just given a significant chunk to ex wife who finally left the property where Michael and MHG were living. Michael and MHG apparently were having a fight about that… and Lauren stepped into it without knowing Michael was in the middle of a huge battle.

Then why on earth was your own husband at a meeting with a tenancy lawyer in order to negotiate an exit strategy?


I believe it was like when a mother says one thing and the dad says another. The kids don’t know what to do.

So, we have a fundamental misunderstanding of the trainer-client relationship……


Too many things in this post that are wrong to list…

It feels like we are going backwards, like the trial never happened. How can someone who was there just pretend that the things said under oath, by their side even, did not happen?

Really? This is not a kid and they were not her parents. You freaking leave. Why would you (general) want to stay with a trainer who is openly fighting with their girlfriend or doing any of the other horrible stuff you now claim was happening? Leave, go find another trainer. Go to the trainer that your very own father arranged for you to be moved to. Take those friends that offered up on the horse transport.
This is not a difficult thing. I am not sure why you are making it a difficult thing. If MB sucked that much…leave.

It feels like there are two answers that would fit almost every post by Seeker right now.
Choice 1 - Go listen to the recorded trial, it is there.
Choice 2 - If your horse trainer is doing that (whatever that horrible thing is) then leave.


I wonder if there’s some random therapist phrase generator out there on the web. It might help explain some of the weird posts.


I really have no idea what her option but judging from the fact that after the shooting the horses were split up in different barns and states it couldn’t have been simple.

Sounds like we have moved from a manic episode into a depressive episode to me….maybe with some self medication thrown in.

But the therapy lingo sounds legit and how my ex-DIL would use it as a weapon….


Choice 1 - Go listen to the recorded trial, it is there.
Choice 2 - If your horse trainer is doing that (whatever that horrible thing is) then leave.

She has had horses at multiple places all along, now is not any different.


In the real world of professional dressage trainers, in my experience, a client does NOT pay to be the center of any trainers attention. They pay to have the SHARED attention of the trainer with ALL the other clients that trainer has.

Do you sleep with your husband? Are you the center of your husbands life? Shouldn’t you be the center of your husbands life?

Again, how in the world do you think you or anyone in your family has the right to say who can sleep with whom?!

I am aghast


they were split further

There were probably some misunderstandings in many areas of this arrangement. This was one of them.

LK was paying to be the center of attention? LK is a low level average talent amateur and was simply a client paying for training and lessons. And not all that dedicated from the sounds of it, skipping lessons and shows. MHG is a professional and is very talented and dedicated, no surprise she would connect with MB romantically, and she certainly wasn’t sleeping with MB in order to be the center of attention. Trying to compare the two is like (rotten) apples and oranges. That’s quite a stretch.

After reading tens of thousands of pages on numerous threads, I think what it all boils down to is this:

If you set out to drive someone over the edge, it’s unreasonable to be surprised when you succeed.


Funny how so many new people showed up to defend LK after I posted this crazy hypothesis and mommy came back with a vengeance…


I would say so

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She’s holding on. I finally went to bed at 4.


Should be many lessons learned for barn owners here.