Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Must be so exciting to see that eggers. I only wish I could be there.

With the '60s flashback lyrics, I was thinking ā€œMotherā€™s little helperā€.


michael shot her. The jury said so, the state said so, the defense said so. If I ever posted anything to the contrary it was an oops. That happens in a venue like this when it is difficult to keep track of where things are going.

Iā€™ve been thinking that all along. I grew up with those mothers. And their children.


Let me direct you to 2 hours and 40 minutes into this video, where Mr Tarshis outlines the arrangements he made with your husband for your daughter and the horses to be moved to a nearby facility with a PanAm gold medalist trainer. She chose to not leave, which prompted Mr Tarshis to have her served with an eviction notice.


Knights momā€¦ you need so much helpā€¦ I wish I could help you. You are in PAIN girl to be so mean. What the heck hurt you so much? Spitting out vileness, making false allegations, demeaning me and my family without know us or the facts. Someone must have kicked the poo outta youā€¦ All that hate eats you from the inside out girlfriend.

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I guess it is genetic.


:joy::joy:. At $5k?
Uh, no.


Maybe if one did not make a plot to ruin their trainer (admitted to under oath in court) and to ā€œfinish the bastardā€ this would not happen.

There is a misunderstanding that it is none of Laurenā€™s business who her horse trainer sleeps with? How can there be a misunderstanding about that?
That is totally a - Who does that? - thing. Who thinks that they should ever be the center of their horse trainerā€™s world or have a say in who their horse trainer sleeps with? Who does that?

Or are you saying that you and your husband have had misunderstanding about who you get to sleep with?

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

Right, they now need to put in their contracts that their sex life is their business and if you as a client do not like their sex life choices you are free to leave.
Oh, and make sure there is a clause about - if we ask you to leave that means you need to leave.


Just because it is on TV, it must be true!! hahah :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He solicited her to be a client as I understand it.

This post made me vomit. Seriously. I wonā€™t deal with this level of denial anymore. This entire family needs longterm in depth help. They wonā€™t get it on a public chat room or a courtroom.
The drama from this one is extreme. No wonder they all have records!


Nothing unusual in that.


That does not mean she gets to be in charge of his sex life.


And??? So what? Professional horseman do that.
My hairdresser looks for new clients.
That how they do business.


Eggersā€¦ you are good inside. Im sorry you have no clue what has happend to me and my family and the battles we have fought. No matter what happens, you CANNOT shoot someone.

Good. So you have ascertained the definistion of sadism. Now look at your daughterā€™s behaviorā€“see how well it describes that?


Things went south when MHG got there. She didnā€™t like that Lauren missed lessons. Lauren was struggling with her own health issues at the time. Michael didnā€™t seem to care particularly as long as the bills were paid. They had a very good relationship. MHG wanted her to GO. as stated in her txts to Michael. Poor Michael was driven crazy by MHG.

Kurbside, In 30 seconds I will have blocked your posts from my view. You are delusional. Have a nice life.


hahaā€¦ kurbsideā€¦ I like it