Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

To quote Stonekettle:
Irony jumps the tracks, careens down the embankment, bursts into flames, smashes through a circus, plows through a mink farm, and crashes into the river where it rolls over and explodes, raining down flaming weasels and burning clown shrapnel across the terrorized countryside.


Lessons for barn owners:

  1. if your client thinks they are paying (under market rate) to be the center of your universe, run the other way.

  2. if your client fails to show up on time for repeated training lessons, while demanding to be the center of your universe, time to move on and run.

  3. if your client is more interested in who you’re sleeping with than actually training, run.

  4. if, at any point, you find your private conversations being broadcast on the internet, don’t spend $5k on someone to look for bugs, spend it on an eviction.

  5. do the background check before they move their checkered pasts onto your property.

  6. if you find your client sneaking around the property dressed in black with a veil, barefoot no less, get that eviction moving.

  7. if your client is disrupting the horses late at night, stay on that eviction.

  8. if your client is posting what she later admits under oath are threats to ruin you on the internet, odds are good you could get an emergency eviction.

  9. don’t wait so long to get your lawyer involved in getting someone out.

And when all that fails, because they’ve set on a path to “finish the bastard”, I have no idea what to do.


If you say so. LOL

MHG decided to “run her off”
 Michael wasn’t necessarily on board with that.

If MHG was the problem, then why did your daughter go after Michael? Why did she want to “Finish the bastard?” It was none other than your daughter who drive MB over the edge. Most likely, MHG could recognize the crazy and was trying to get the problem out of what was otherwise a good barn.


It was live on TV dacs

Sworn testimony, given under oath is often true. Just like when your daughter said, under oath, she had a plan to ruin him. I can link that video too.


You delusional thing you. Lauren was PAYING for boarding a horse and learning the nuances of riding a horse.

MBs “attentions” were never part of the deal.

If you want to buy “attention” you hire a prostitute.

This is where precious Lauren and your friends and family fail to understand. WHAT WAS GOING ON BETWEEN MHG AND MB WAS NEVER ANY OF LAUREN’S BUSINESS!!

The fact that it took away from LKs fantasy of owning MB was too bad.

OMG I can’t believe I had to write this to an adult about another adult.



Do you actually fail to grasp that it was not a TV program? That it was a live stream of the court proceedings, which you claim you attended?



Or maybe you both routinely get played against one another.


I am a human being with all foibles, weakness, strengths
 just like you. I care about people and even you. I am not a thing any more than you are. Funny
 people dehumanize others to torture them.

I don’t “claim” I attended. There is a court record of each day I was there.

My post regarding the GFM account was flagged and removed as we anticipated last night. The small minded people on this forum only strengthen my resolve to continue supporting Michael Barisone and his team in every way I possibly can. And to be fair, my resolve to keep the glaring light of truth focused on the Kanarek Gang is stronger than ever. Watch me. I’m furious and the kraken will be unleashed sooner than later. There are so many nasty secrets hiding in this family and all will be revealed eventually, including everyone involved with and supporting their activities. Trust me.


It enables them to justify their heinous and cruel behavior.

Can you please direct me to any time in the last 2.5 years the defense said this? Thanks.


Then you should recognize that the video posted above is from testimony at the trial.


Please, for the love of God, stop replying to yourself!


Were you napping while you were there? Listening to some podcast about saving everyone? What were you doing while there that you did not listen to anything?


Actually no. That did not happen.