Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

They said it in the context of the defense they selected. “not guilty by reason of insanity” means Michael did the shooting but it was not a criminal act due to him being insane. They were admiting he did the shooting and there was no evidence to the contrary. The “self defense” defense was thrown out due to “lack of evidence”.

I mean, it’s certainly not a good thing.

But it’s pretty far down her list of egregious behavior.


Eggers… ok… will that make you feel happier?


The resemblance between mother and daughter here is very striking. As others have pointed out, we dont know who is really posting. But whoever Seeker1 is, they are not accomplishing what they hoped here.


I’ve reached the point where I can no longer believe that this poster is the sincerely distraught mother she plays at being. Whoever is behind this account sounds like a deranged teenager on reddit, telling their friend, “hey! I’m gonna hit ‘reply’–now watch this!”


Not at all what an affirmative defense means. Perhaps your attorney husband can explain it to you.


Interesting. Are there two people logged in as Seeker1?

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Scribbler, you have NO IDEA what I am hoping for. You cant even imagine it and you wouldn’t believe it if I told you which I have many times. I can say it again. I want everyone to learn a lesson from this set of shameful events and move closer to becoming the best versions of themselves. Even you.

Could be.

I think it is possible to log in from two devices at the same time.

Hard to say what is going on here, really.



Honestly I feel that applies to Lauren. She does seem to get a sadistic pleasure from harming (or attempting to harm) people on social media platforms.


I have dealt with multiple malignant narcissists and their flying monkeys. I see EXACTLY who I’m dealing with.

Do not dare to be concerned for me. Don’t pretend, don’t postulate.

Your daughter came after me and I saw exactly who and what she is. Consider me karma.

I do not lie. I do not make things up. Nor am I in pain. I live a clean and honest life.

Your family should try all of the above.

So please take your fake concern and your haughtiness and direct it in another direction. You do not, for one second, fool me.



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well… anything is possible I guess. no one should delight in harmful, cruel or mean behavior. But no one listens to me. None of you have no matter how many times I have asked you to cut it out.

You clearly don’t listen to yourself.


You getting much needed help would make me happy.

Not sure why Ignore/Mute didn’t work…off to check. I realize this latest effort at tedious, rambling, incoherent frequent posts is another tactic to cause the “MB supporters” to stop posting, it won’t work.

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@Seeker1, it occurs to me that you and Mr. Kanarek probably don’t have much “experience” with horses and horsemen.

MB is a horseman and do not believe for one minute that he would ever, ever, ever harm a horse as revenge toward its owner. Real horsemen don’t do that! Maybe Lauren’s fear of that was projection :woman_shrugging:t2:.

$5,000 a month for 5-6 horses and a two bedroom apartment is laughable and I find that that is one of the puzzle pieces that I can’t make fit anywhere.


All clients pay for attention to their horses or to their riding. Unless your daughter was the sole paying client, it’s unreasonable to expect to be the center of attention except during your lessons.


Following the trail of rat turds, Seeker1 started her posting frenzy shortly after Lauren’s post about USEF and a discrimination case popped up over at the YouTube comments.

McGurk (an attorney) spelled out how this wouldn’t be a win for Lauren.

ETA: McGurk is NOT an attorney. That was MY error.