Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

There is a strong resemblance, but these posts do not seem quite as over the top as LK’s posts here in the past. And some of the posts are beating the holier than thou drum, while others are more straight up nasty. So it’s hard to say if it is two different people, or one person with different personalities.

Could one of the other sisters be involved now? :woman_shrugging:


To me the language of Seeker 1 is similar to the language of the old horse buying scams of old. You know the ones…I’ll buy your horse sight unseen…here’s a certified check…bla bla bla…

Maybe the Kanareks hired an offshore team to bump up their social media presence to sound better…


Wrong. Michael was driven crazy by LAUREN.

Face the reality sistah.


A clean and honest life includes empathy, understanding, listening, compasion, love and concern. You have not transcended to that level. You are almost there. But judging others on partial information is not a part of a “clean and honest” life. It is pumping yourself up at the expense of others misfortunes. Soo lets be clear. I hope you can take it to the next level because you will surely be happier.

You do realize this is the actual court tape that you say you attended. It’s not 48 hours.


Eggers… ahh… you know you like me a “little” better.

I tried to explain to you in PM that no matter what you say, this isn’t going to stop. I admit I didn’t watch the entire trial but several posters here did.

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Shhh. She’s on a roll.


I do not care one iota about you.


But @Seeker1, isn’t this exactly what you are doing here? Pot meet kettle!


Funny that’s exactly what Lauren does Sqeeker.


:rofl: :rofl: now I’m seeing dozens of “hidden reply” notices. Dang, this woman is prolific! Maybe she will start her own thread just for her own thoughts and prayers.


I feel like I have just been handed the latest copy of The Watchtower.


This is not true either. This verdict was not a win for your team there Bleeker.


This is beyond bizarre…


I think the jury got it right too! He tried to kill her but he was insane.

That’s right. We do not obey you Sequel.


Hi Eggers… I am certainly not “this woman”. I am a living breathing human being. Remember the most heinous serial killers “dehumanize” their victims calling them “it” etc. I am Kirby Kanarek. I try my best… I try to do the right thing whenever possible. I want the best for everyone. I want the best for you. People do crazy stupid things. I don’t condone those crazy stupid things. I want everyone to find the best version of themselves Eggy. You are certainly doing many things right. Everyone makes mistakes even you.

So…following the breadcrumbs….two options…

USEF/SS has started an investigation and LK heard about it because her trainer is connected to Ali Brock, whom LK has accused of being engaged in fraud along with the USEF, and there was finally some sort of chatter around the barn cross ties etc…

Or, maybe, now that MHG is no longer bound by being a witness for the prosecution, she has been encouraged by the horse community/her family (lawyer daddy) to take action against the defamation and threats being spewed by LK and family: allegations of the murder plot and her weaponization of SS/USEF against LK.

Maybe both?


I hope Mr. B/Mr. D are able to get some useful material out of this… rampage. It took me a minute to even come up with a word for it.

But at least the question of what LK had against MHG has finally been answered. In spades.